Amy Abbott

Will the young man that Don gave his cadillac to die in a horrible crash
leaving Don to be able to say he is dead again to go on with a new life
a second time? Will Pete actually not have any job? Is Ducky playing a
game with him to help the ad agency get out of the million that they
owe him?

My husband thinks Don will jump from the window. We noticed he checked to see if they open or not. He heard the whistle of the wind thru a crack in it. He seemed to be pondering it.

Good point! Definitely a slap to his face.

I agree. This would be a very fun ending with the crew standing in a new office out West in California. This is where Joan's new boyfriend lives.

She only took two things when she walked out…a picture of her son and her rolodex. I see new beginnings too.

Joan was instrumental to the new business using her rolodex to find the
clients for their new advertising company. She has $250,000 and Don has
a diamond ring…..could they all be moving West to start a new company
with Joan's meticulous business cards/notes.