
Ghost-Pac Stripes

I hate to break it to you, but warm water rather than cold makes zero difference. If the water is not literally boiling, temp makes no diff. Yes to washing, yes to soap, no to “warm” water being a requirement.

Ive had this 1969 AMX since I was 17. My son and I recently fixed it up. Added a 5 speed. I love this car.

She is / was a mediocre candidate at best. The democratic party chose poorly. But since this article was about fake news, I will comment on that. BOTH sides are equally guilty of creating and passing fake news. Journalism with integrity appears to be dead. Even Jezebel, insists on hyperbole and emotion rather than

I hope you’re correcting their misunderstanding by telling them it’s only illegal aliens that should be worried. Let them know law abiding legal immigrants are fine.

We have a voluntary military in the U.S. She did not have to enlist. She was not drafted. She IS a criminal and did violate the law. During her basic training she was given very detailed and specific instructions related to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Prior to accepting her duty assignments after basic, she

My 18 year is named Alexander Matthew Xavier. I have a 1969 AMX which I’ve owned since I was 17 (I’m 48). He recently took it to his senior prom. Where he blew the 390 engine. At least he got the pictures out of the way first. I called a tow and swapped him my civic on the side of the highway.