
Funny, since by sheer numbers and percentage, whites are greater users of welfare.

On a side note, working lunches are bullshit. Let me have an hour to go eat cheap Mexican food and read my book in silence. Don’t make me talk to the people I am already stuck with eating a box lunch from Panera or some other shit.

God help me, the fact that she was just 18 and he was 33 made me feel for her, her political views and privilege aside. You’re still so young at 18 - even if she isn’t being truthful here and she did consent to the tape being released as a lot of people think, she likely didn’t fully comprehend what she was signing up

According my to my shitty coworkers today, the welfare line. I damn nearly chucked my monitor at him but of course my boss just chuckled.

How is a person who has no children but pays their taxes (I assume she did) a drain on society? For example, the taxes I pay support schools, despite me not having any children to attend those school.

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?

“Welcome to the Department of Justice!”

I believe Blunt said that a) it was a stranger, and b) it’s supposed to be creepy, stop using it as a wedding song, everyone.

In the Bieber link. He DMed a gym to ask who a woman was who worked there and she posted it and said she had a boyfriend.

Why do rich people get their meals comped?!

I thought this was going to be an app that just displays the word “NO”.

If Fallon were anything else but a white guy, he and his awful fake laugh would never have made it to SNL let alone the Tonight Show.

How does a rich, alcoholic New York comedian have such repetitive, boring stories?

Anthropology is white-created field still dominated by white influence.

Rush Limbaugh is famous for saying “British African Americans.”

These are the same people who refer to black people from ANY country as African American. Like I’ve heard black British actors mentioned as African American and was just like what?

Now playing

Dwight Schrute Seeks Woman to Impregnate During Eclipse

Around here, we call that kind of sex “skinny repeal.” It’s not what you promised, it’s not what you were hoping for, no one is really satisfied, and you know it will lead to big problems in the future ... but maybe better than nothing?

Hey @ChloeGMoretz - let’s set up a date. The crush is mutual.

THERE YOU GO THANK YOU. now i know you’re a makeup fan because this is what i’ve been saying.