
No because I’m 35 and know who they are and can sing a few Chance songs. Just different taste, feel young!

That’s fair, that’s fair. I am Doing the opposite here, I am ETR instead of ETA. Remove remove

He’s still gross and treats women like something to collect. Both bad.

Its too much pressure.

It’s total bullshit. She looked stylish and professional. It was all misogyny and jealousy, I hadn’t witnessed that in the workplace until I went into healthcare.

One last thing, sorry. I wish I had had my kids earlier. If you want them, just get started. It’s amazing. The numbers work out.

I mean that opening as Shit... GURRRRL... not “Shitgirl”.

Shit Girl, we make like 60-70k a year combined, which is too much for daycare assistance. 1600 a month for both kids, so I am home for now. We were doing...ok... when it was 1000 a month for the first kid, and then after she was potty trained it was 750. I have student loans, credit card debt, and a mortgage. All I

I assisted a bad ass female surgeon in a male specialty, and so many sexist bullshit comments came up. I’ll list a few: Did you see what she is wearing today? Her skirt is too short. I think she is flirting with Dr So and So. Her heels are too loud. She is dressed like she is going to a party. She’s too in a hurry.

As a 35 year old who had straight A’s and finished her A and P series less than 5 years ago... Maybe you inspired me. I think about that Fight Club scene with the convenience store clerk all the time “Too much school!”

I can think Hef is as garbage of a person as R. Kelly if I want. I was not excusing R Kelly as much as I was saying old white guys get away with this shit all the time.

I know. You aren’t this person’s doctor, either am I. They use the word survivor, that’s all I got for you.

Post surgery docs are sure they got it all, person not dead? Aren’t a lot of pancreatic cases terminal within weeks? Survivor sounds right to me, shit.

But they said all these women were over 18. So he has a harem of women that are of age, and so does Hef ( or so did Hef, I don’t know if he is still at it.)


Hey someone in my family just survived pancreatic cancer. Not to give false hope, just.. it was a wow moment.

Come on, really? Fuck John McCain? at the news of a terrible health diagnosis? He isn’t pure evil GOP slime, he is a war hero and has the ability to use rational thought, speaks his mind about shit his party is doing wrong. He deserves more than that.

Shit how is this different from good ol Playboy Hugh Hefner and his 6 gf’s?

I miss mine so much, so so so so much. This article makes me want to cry.

Ahhh, gracias. If I pay off my student loans I might be in a better boat financially than this doofus. I feel better!