
Keep it tight!! ( your core, I mean. You need all the abs and lower back strength you can get.)

And I am a naturally sleepy person, I drink like 5 cups of coffee a day to keep up with my 5 year and 3 month old kids.

Pregnancy and healing after, yeah. I was worried there that I would be in pain forever.

Thats not that young. If she were saying that two years ago, so 29, and hadn’t even met a partner yet, she is correct to worry. 35 things start dropping off drastically in terms of fertility ease, and its not like you meet someone, fall in love, and are ready to TRY to make a baby that fast. I did it super quick (

My baby loved Turn Down for What and Gangnam style.

Yes. I felt like it was a guy who tried to be deep to get laid, I kept wondering when he was going to ask for something or flip it to “if you didn’t make me so mad I wouldn’t hit you” kinda talk


So after I watched this I watched Eddie Murphy’s special wearing red leather. First lines are “Fa**ots might be looking at my ass, so I have to keep moving” and got worse from there. Jesus. Comparatively, Chapelle seems very open minded and modern.

Ok So I work in health care and one of the providers I work with is of Asian descent. She does not have any accent, she is second generation, and she is brilliant as all hell. Patients say the most backwards ass crap to me about her before or after they see her, it makes me crazy. And then layer in all the

Sort of thankfully? one of my parents died from the drugs so the other got clean. Not less troubled, but clean. Im sorry you had to go through that.

God, I was suicidal at 10. I read adult novels and never went outside. Now I know if I am feeling low, go for a damn walk. Adulting!

I was aware of political issues as a child and didn’t have very good control over my worrying, so despite it sounding like the worst choice, adult.

Adulthood. I have a baby sleeping on me and my own money, and am ignoring texts from my mom. Please. No contest.

Up until this year I would have agreed with you- but my newest kitten turned evil biting asshole cat is my exception now. I haven’t jammed anything in his mouth, but he scares me. I don’t even know what to do.


If I were buried and they gave me 2000$ and I owed 5000$, that would be different. I am saying they aren’t giving me one cent and are going to take my car and refinance it into my new loan. Should be illegal.

but if I am still paying the entire balance on my old car would I hand the keys to the dealer? its not like I am doing a debt consolidation!

I said no, I was going to sell it on my own... they said they wanted it... Absurd. I could keep two cars!

Don’t worry, you’d laugh cry if you saw the breakdown like I did at Nissan. Bought a Subaru the next day, and didn’t walk away feeling scammed or insulted. Why do they still act like that when we have internet comparisons and advice?

The craziest quote I ever had handed to me looked just like this. Same interest rates, and they were quoting me both a new car and wrapped in was the full amount I owed on my old car. I’ve never been so insulted in my entire life. I thought it was because I was a woman and they thought I was stupid.