
As a white liberal who wasn’t THAT into Hillary, I still fucking knew not to shoot myself if the foot because I didn’t feel all in love with my option. I talked to a lady I really respect the other day who suggested Hillary would be just as bad. I can’t even socialize right now, I might have a stroke.

My husband was listening and I made him go into the other room. Every statement was causing my head to break further open.

Just coming to say- as a mother of a 2 month old, I got lost at “night nurse”. 😭😭😭

Don’t most pros ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it off and keep going ? Also my laptop won’t let me type out the word S h r u g?

Thats what I said! Sorry, but it was so slow and blah and then the start over. Thats how it felt.

I have heard terrible things and they say they cause dizziness on the bottle and I don’t like the fact that you can’t just stop taking them if you want. Anxiety about meds to help anxiety.

Omg autocorrect, Ned? really? Med.

How do you get it though? They just want to put me on SSRI’s- I don’t want to be on a daily psych Ned.

I got to go to school despite having a poor single mom who couldn’t pay for private school? I got to go. That’s what they did.

Today was the day I became a monthly ACLU donor.

Yeah the more I think about it the more I am pissed at Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. Wasn’t there some shady DNC blocking of Bernie? I’m everything Breitbart commenters hate but Hilary was meh to me, imagine all the people who are more middle ground? Ugh.

And due in March, huh? With twins? Famous people sure are thin.

Ugh, I said band instead of banned. I hope that’s what she meant. When we used to go, mixed groups of men and women, we would all treat it like any other strip club- aka tipping every song, being polite. Then they changed the policy about women and even the crowd got rude and unwelcoming to any woman there. I’m too

The male strip club where I live band bachelorette parties and says they only want gay men! Sigh.

That’s great, she’s doing good work. I know someone who saw a study about exposing kids WITH peanut allergies slowly to peanuts to get rid of the allergy, and they duplicated it with their kid- no allergy anymore.Disclaimer: Do not try at home.

I googled a bit after I commented... I want deets! My mom always acted like we were a chore, and if we wanted a hug it was always with a “get off of me....ugh” and then a few pats if we didn’t let go. I’m sitting here with my two week old baby, and wondering HOW she was like that. Do I have to keep in touch, really,

What is this term, Maslow mom? I have been wondering for ages if there is some name for what kind of crazy my mom is...never kind find it.

God, sounds like my mom in so many ways. The older I get, and the more “normal” my life becomes, the odder she behaves toward me. My siblings are GOLDEN (mentally ill, or commitment phobic and always traveling/on the run), but me and my children, UGH. But can she come visit soon??

My c section sucks this time, I’d love that. Not possible though, gotta do it the old school way.

I’ll do the day, Lord give me the money for a night nurse. Every two hours is brutal right now.