
We are in the same boat of delusion. I had siblings, one is mentally ill and I can’t even, and the other is too busy doing their own thing...but God forbid I leave my daughter alone! #2 a month away. Sigh.

A reason to go to Disneyland.

I’m due with my second in about a month, and my 5 year old seemed so excited... Deep down I knew. But this article and comment really made me feel it. Fucked.

A career in health care teaches me that bad things happen to the NICEST people,. Sometimes it feels like it is ONLY the nicest people. Ugh.

I was really into my therapist, helped a lot with anxiety—-I liked when she got more... witch-doctor-y and would tell me to be open to what the universe was allowing to happen for me. My last session she recommended The Secret and I was like :|

Your last line is how I feel about my mom forever and ever. I want to just cut her off but can’t. Or can I? Can I do that if she never beat me or did anything other than hurt my feelings and be self centered?? /random mom issues on a Jez article.

depends on your child’s weight.

Amen fellow Oregonian. But aren’t you legally obligated to own a Subaru as a resident of our fair state? /Sarcasm from Portland Subaru owner.

Thank you- I bought a Subaru, but the Mazda was my strong runner up choice. They are SO PRETTY. This article was giving me buyers remorse, but I think my Subaru was the best choice still.

my 1000 deductible shitty 1998 Rav 4 with no accidents/tickets on my record was still 75 a month. That was after I got married, 100 before that. Lowest quote. Every zip code has different rates, I know.

Or she is one of the millions of American’s who DON’T VOTE.

Oh, and daycare is 750. How do I cut that??? *sob*

SAME. Car insurance, I would need a much cheaper no payment car with liability only for even close to that price. But student loans are 550 ain’t nothing changing that ( unless I want graduated payments. HA.)

I like that he mentioned he paid off student loans first. So I can start doing this in like, 30 years. =/

I do a full tooth brush, gargle, nose blowing/clean out in the shower every morning, and if I don’t, it gets crazy in there. Bodies are gross.

The whole thing is great, yes! Congrats! I wasn’t knocking the FHA loan, I am eternally grateful for it. I was just saying, try to get out of that PMI as soon as you can ( unless you want to move sooner than the estimated savings calculations, blah blah).

If the kid was trained in gun safety, it doesn’t mean she wouldn’t use it when she was feeling suicidal.

Yeah, I remember wanting to die in 5th grade and am so glad there was nothing around my house that could kill me... and that is true from 5th grade to 26 yrs old. And I didn’t find another way to do it! So enough with that argument. Guns are fast and not as scary as say, failing to cut your wrists properly or taking

Yeah, Obama was a BFF/HOPE election, and we all have sobered up and realized that hope does jack shit against a GOP run Senate. Tough Mothers FTW.

She just released her own makeup line called Flirt, and those stickers are part of it. Trump wasn’t the main point of the interview, I am sure the makeup was.