Gone Girly Gone? Lost opportunity for an excellent porn parody.
Gone Girly Gone? Lost opportunity for an excellent porn parody.
You’d hope so. I make it a point to mount any expensive purchases that I make, out of spite and principle. As a matter of fact, any over-priced luxury item, be it a talking automobile or a 7 foot-tall Batman action figure, should come with complimentary sex holes.
No one else? Fine. Git gud. ..daderpererp...glad I’m gray..
Get a load of this guy! Next you’ll be telling us that no one says “Aces,” or “its a lead-pipe cinch” anymore. Maybe you just don’t run with the right cats. But you’ve got moxie, Duck, and that makes you swell in my book. 22 Skiddoo!
This is going to be the last Fallout 4 media that I consume for the next 25 hours. It hit the spot, sweetly and accurately. I’m out. Until I’m in. Deeply. Forever. Or for several hundred hours, or until I bleed out of my eyes, or until the sun comes back.
It’s fun. Greatly so. It’s also not a perfect game by any means. It has that feel, like it is missing content; big stuff cut early on and the game never got both it’s legs under it again, or entire features that were sliced late in development, because there’s this pervasive feeling like the studio didn’t have enough…