Last I checked, flashing a gun was called brandishing and is illegal. I guess that only applies to non-white.
Last I checked, flashing a gun was called brandishing and is illegal. I guess that only applies to non-white.
So now brandishing a gun is free speech. A fucking child playing with a toy gun in the park was murdered by the police, but a grown man showed a gun after spouting a racist rant, and that’s cool.
In Colorado, skier on skier action is explicitly excluded from the voluminous “known risks” of skiing. Not surprisingly, it’s written almost entirely to prevent Vail and Aspen (and the other plebian resorts) from getting sued. In Colorado, however, it does say explicitly that a collision is always the fault of the…
It’s not silly to sue if you actually have medical expenses and suffered serious pain as a result of someone else’s carelessness.
Actually, it’s kind of the exact opposite--this shows how very difficult it is to convincingly fake an attack, and how easily the stories of people lying about being assaulted crumble under investigation. Nobody is sincerely equating “believe victims” with “don’t investigate crimes”; that’s a straw man used by rape…
“Believing the victim” means exactly what you just said: a crime has been reported, we will investigate it fully because we believe a crime has been committed, and we need to get to the bottom of it.” As facts emerge, sometimes, so does skepticism, but if you first reaction is to say, “well, he might have been making…
Yep. At Binny’s it is is $17, sometimes $14 on sale. Whole Foods and Target charge about $20-25. As someone else mentioned, I assumed the $80 was the marked up price.
The Daily Mail is such a racist piece of shit. It’s not even subtle. Good for Malia.
Seriously, whoever took that beer pong picture is a fucking douchebag. Does it not occur to these people how nice it is that they’re too unimportant for anyone to give a shit what they’re doing?
1) From that height no one will see them showering
“Jason and his family very much want to put this behind them,” Blagg said. “He has expressed that he doesn’t want a new trial, he doesn’t want to go through that again. He’s not happy with being convicted, obviously, but the toll this has taken on his family is unbelievable.”
It’s considered fancy in most parts of the US, most homes aren’t built with it so to install would require a very expensive retrofit.
Official report from the prison:
I am so unimpressed! All the money in the world and that’s what they came up with? My friends have nicer decorated apartments than that.
He could be a douche bag asshole, it still doesn’t justify what happened to him. Where does this idea come from that if you’re not a perfect person or “fine individual” it’s ok for an officer to violate your civil rights and kill you as you are walking away from them? Laquan still deserved his time on earth. Arresting…
Am I the only person wondering about the street facing bathroom with the full length window in the shower and no privacy screen? Also the bathtub in the backyard?
TLDR: “Rich person has beautiful home”. Show me a tour of a one-bedroom apartment that someone has managed to keep organized and beautiful, while using Target and IKEA furniture. That’s information I can use.
“We are were petrified and very worried about Jason’s Laquan’s safety,” Tiffany Van Dyke Laquan’s mother wrote.
Hot take: Her dress, shoes, and hair are objectively terrible.