I’m still astonished that despite *living in a goddamn medical facility,* her genius medical staff didn’t realize she was pregnant until she went into labor. She wasn’t even a very big person to start with.
I’m still astonished that despite *living in a goddamn medical facility,* her genius medical staff didn’t realize she was pregnant until she went into labor. She wasn’t even a very big person to start with.
Convinced that Senate Democrats will eventually crack and that there are votes for a bipartisan agreement, Kushner has urged the president to dig in while also adjusting his position as his popularity suffers in public polls, according to a person close to him and White House officials.
What I really am going to relish is the look on his face when the whole rotten edifice finally comes crashing down. When the marshals serve warrants and haul him and his snake of a wife off in shackles, to perp-walk them ugly-crying before the cameras, and it dawns on them that they will neither of them get to…
I wonder if he even truly knows how useless and ineffectual he is in DC. Something tells me that neither he nor his wife can truly comprehend it, and think that they actually are making moves and doing important stuff.
Jared Kushner : The Human Clammy Handshake
Oh, good. The fact that he’s moving on to this new thing means that he’s cleared his plate by finishing his other responsibilities such as the opioid crisis, Israeli/Palestinian unrest, and enhancing American innovation, right? Right?
Not a toilet of turds?
A bunch of people wearing MAGA hats are officially a shat of shits.
To be fair no one has disabused them of that notion.
The FB 10-year challenge.
that’s tomorrow.
It’s weird how easily Republicans go from “Lincoln was a Republican!” to honouring the men who declared war against him.
“How come they never protest black on black violence???”
“Why am I being arrested when those kids are free to ride around?”
“Haters gonna hate” has mutated into never having to self-reflect about anything ever again.
Are people hating her natural hairline or the hairline she’s created? Because if it’s the hairline she has created, I’m really sad that she thinks that hairline is somehow what makes her special.
Man Pete Davidson has really gone down the tubes since his break up with Ariana Grande...
It’s just a shame that money spent there goes to fund bigotry.
But Chick-Fil-A supports PACs and groups that are anti-LQBTQ, anti-choice, and other hyper-conservative beliefs.
It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids. That was obviously her mistake.