
Not with that hair. 

It is completely ridiculous to rank Chris Pine ahead of Chris Hemsworth. However, he is a worthy second for sure.

Yeah, I’m not clear on what they mean.  If they simply mean they won’t be throwing people in jail, that reform is long overdue.  But the “not be prosecuted” has me worried.

I hate that I am the cynical type but I just hope he and his family have the security they need at home and elsewhere, I cant imagine these changes will be well received by cops

I sincerely hope this goes well for him but I would bet that those prosecutors will be out for blood and calling in favors as we speak.

Stay safe, brother man. This is sure to piss off the powers that be.

YESS!!! This is what we need. Every prosecutor who fails to get justice against killer cops must be replaced, NATIONWIDE until it’s understood to be a *priority* for the job. Police departments aren’t going to hold themselves accountable willingly.

I’m reaaaallly hoping that in that particular situation, child support scofflaws don’t get thrown into prison, or get criminal records that make them almost unemployable. I hope that they get their paychecks garnished, and their tax returns and every other money making scheme they get money from. But jail? That

I’m of 2 minds on the child support one. One says you can’t let people get away with not taking care of their kids, the other says people can’t take care of their kids while they’re jail (whether they want to not).

Didn’t know that one, but having grown up in New England, I just sort of assume everything in Boston is covered in caked on urine.

More proof that Hopkins students are smarter. We rub the breasts of our statue for luck.

Welcome to my world, darling!

A friend of mine kept recommending Spring Breakers and now my wife and I repeatedly tell him we want that 2 hours back and how dare he?

When I was in the hospital giving birth to my son 23 years ago I ended up having to get a booster vaccination for Rubella after he was born because they had done the blood test to see if I was immune and I wasn’t. From what I was told there were a few years in the 70s that some vaccinations for Rubella were bad or

Is he fucking the sheriff and the DA, or is his dad a federal judge/mob boss who owns half the town?

Pretty much any vaccine has a small percentage of people for whom it doesn’t work. (I’ve had the MMR and a rubella booster and yet I’m still not immune to rubella.) Which is why it steams me when people say, “If you’re vaccinated, why do you care if other people aren’t?” Because of the people who the vaccine doesn’t

I’m also not immune to rubella - I’ve been vaccinated against it twice, but apparently my system doesn’t respond to the vaccine correctly. (Measles and mumps, yes; rubella, no.) So I also rely on herd immunity to be safe. I really, really worried about it when I was pregnant. So many people don’t understand that the

This is so infuriating. My son hasn’t been able to register for spring classes after transferring schools because we forgot to upload his vaccination records. Although I’m concerned he won’t get the courses he wants, I completely understand why they’ve locked his account.

“were of the family philosophy not to vaccinate.”

Boggles the mind. Especially given this: