
Even when his lie is undone by video, he commits to it. What an asshole.

Fuck this. I’ll ship Martha and Snoop Dogg/Lion until the day I die.

No it isn’t. Ivanka Trump is part of this shitshow administration, with an office in the WH, and if she’s as big of a fucking idiot as her father then it needs to be called out.

I conquer.

She’s like Zuck. They’re both trying hard to act human, which is so damned difficult because they have no trace whatsoever of it.

I find her to be totally albeit.

You don’t think that one of Trump’s advisers being a complete and utter moron is noteworthy?

I’d agree if this nitwit didn’t have an office in the White House.

I disagree. Ivanka is supposedly one of the president’s most important advisors and a moderating influence, and she has long been held up as a shining light in the Trump family. Those paying attention are aware that her time in D.C. has demonstrated her to be totally ineffectual, but I think that it’s reasonably

Her father is an illiterate moron, her mother was stupid enough to marry said illiterate moron. The kids weren’t going to turn out any better. She only seems like the smart one because her brothers are both Ruprecht.

This may be petty, but her dumbass dad is King Dipshit so I give it a pass.

I get it. There are real friends, work friends, and the co-workers you tolerate because that is what adults are supposed to do. Kim doesn’t feel the paycheck is worth tolerating the others. At the same time, the fact that Kim is still talking about it and to Piers Morgan of all people, makes me think that SJP,

I think everyone is great in their roles, but Cynthia Nixon is the “best actor.” She was a huge theatre actor before SATC and after. And as much as people like to shit on Carrie, if SJP didn’t have a fuck ton of charisma, the show wouldn’t have worked at all.

Lol, love your naivety. Very few if any corps have an ethics department like you describe. Their ethics departments are all for controlling the peons, and lip service, not policing executives, they report to and their jobs are controlled by the executives.

I dunno. When Man on the Moon and the Larry Flynt movie were out a lot of critics showered major praise on her acting. I think there’s even an embarrassing quote from Roger Ebert that suggested the greatest legacy of grunge might turn out to be Love’s acting career.

Good. I know he only did it because he will be in a tough reelection next year. But whatever, he managed to do the right thing for a change.

“Taxpayers should not be forced to fund something as controversial and culturally divisive as abortions,” Unless it’s another war on brown people, of course.

I will ONLY be watching for Karen. It is known.

The first thing for anyone in the Trump administration given a new post to do is what the rich donors want (Wal-mart-ize schools). The second is to try to wipe away anything Obama did.