Based on the gif above, it appears he’s wall-humping as a big F-U to the fans.
Based on the gif above, it appears he’s wall-humping as a big F-U to the fans.
This article is SPOT ON.
15 years without a playoff win, and all we hear every time the Dolphins have a single successful drive for a touchdown, regardless that they got into the redzone on pass-interference call, is how “THIS IS THE YEAR WE GO ALL THE WAY” from both the remaining fans (home games only sell out when another team with a…
Let me break down this entire season: Meaningless dialogue recited slowly and methodically while deep, dark, haunting music plays.. segue... action/shooting.. credits. Dont get me wrong.. I like the show and watch it each week.. but i think if it were watched without the musical score it would be laughably ponderous…
The only think worse than some of the food listed here... is this list. New York Pizza and Lobster Rolls rank below, by your own accounts, “A deep-fried burrito that nobody eats”, and Chicago Pizza number #1? You must be from there, live there, or afraid of a spouse who’s from there.
Agree with much of this... Except your hockey analogy. It’s not the neutral zone trap equivalent, it’s the 1000lb goalie squeezed between the pipes. Does it win? Yeah... Technically nobody can score. Is it good for the sport? Ultimately no because it’s boring and predictable. Mayweather is great, no doubt. But God is…
hes probably not a Nets or Devils fan for the same reason that most of us over 40 aren't.. Those teams didn't freaking EXIST when we were kids.. We were all Knicks and Rangers fans.. Or... We were fans of teams on (gasp!) Other cities. Move on.
I'm a father, and I cheered for the guy. Sorry honey, your inability to parent and control your child shouldn't be the burden to everyone around you. Get bent.