
This is probably the first time I find myself hoping that a show changes reviewers between seasons (presuming this gets a second). I don’t really enjoy reading extended analysis of non-diegetic music choices that resembles analysis of inconsistent engine specifications on the starship Enterprise. The way it’s deployed

Yeah, I definitely felt the Holden/Debbie break up scene was more like her trying to have one final discussion to determine the salvageability of the relationship, and Holden’s frustrations with the situation blocked him from seeing anything but what he “wanted” to see, which was that Debbie didn’t want him anymore.

And personally, I liked the weird juxtaposition of Page’ epic guitar noodling with Holden’s breakdown. Stop needing everything to be so literal, AVC!

These reviews are terrible.

Hopefully we can have a new reviewer for Season 2 because these reviews are painful to get through. We get, you’re trying really hard not to like it for some reason.

Your criticism of Roger Wade is based on 2017 morals, not 1970s. He had many teachers and parents who were okay with it and, in his mind, he was fully in

Kinjamprove would be better if I didn’t have to click the button and activate it every time.

What’s the deal with switching the comments system? Who are the ad wizards that came up with this?

It’s pretty hard to follow along with any kind of extended conversations now, which I have noticed basically don’t exist anymore. Checking my notifications is no good too. It’s pretty cumbersome to try and track down replies and follow up with people.

Remember when AV Club switched to the absolutely horrible fly-out comment section that everyone REALLY hated? Let’s go back to that. It was better.

My girlfriend, whose mom is pretty similar to Beatrice, saw that moment as less “Bojack being kind to his mother in her final days,” and more “Bojack caving in and performing for his mother thus fulfilling the role she has assigned him.” It’s an interesting take.

Frankly, this episode left me terrified that some day I might end up like that, stuck reliving every shitty moment in my life in some half-remembered fugue state. I wonder if that’s really what dementia is like.

The season had been teasing a grander view at Bea’s backstory for a while, and it was genuinely moving to see it all play out here, albeit through the warped lens of her addled mind. By the end of the episode, I felt like I understood the decisions Bea had made, the perfectly relatable reasons she’d made the mistakes

This is where my initial binge session stopped. For a good day or so.

Yeah, they nailed it exactly. Even the weird ADD digression about Suddenly Susan that loops back into Bojack telling himself how worthless he is. Everything always, always comes back to that when you’re depressed.

Agreed. This episode was almost too real for me. I had to quickly move on to the next episode because I didn’t want to let this one simmer in my head too long

Completely agree with you while there are episodes that left me much more emotional or stunned at what has happened, mild spoiler but episode 11 could very well be the most devastating this show has produced, this is the episode I just connected with most because of how real and accurate it felt to have depression.


Someone pointed out to me online that in the first episode Michael literally kicked a dog, one of the most cliched expressions of villainy in media.