Amrit Dedyal

Wendy going in is going to stop chuck pushing this because she stopped him losing earlier in the season so it is a stalemate again. Fun, fun, fun. If axe goes down so does chuck.

I was thinkng that syd is completely and utterly in love with David just imagine how much more she will be when she hears his British accent. Hehe. I am from the U.K. and when I went to the states I also got a smile from girls when they heard my accent. Things could get steamy at summer land.

I think as people have pointed out they want anything but people who got elected before that were lackeys for big business and special interest (lobbyist). First they went for an African American who they believed would never ever sell out the lower class because his race has been treated awfully by the elite over the

I thought the piano part was charming as hell. Also I think it is so tough to know how to plan the perfec date. Will she be insulted if he just fucks her and then says lets go to a bar? Does he have to make an effort to prove he cares? Or wants to know her? Or wants something deeper then she is willing to offer? If he

I am sorry but that first article you linked was written by a person who was a snob. At least they tried something that has never been done, give them some credit instead of shitting all over them.

When Matt asks Foggy to speak Punjabi and Foggy just cannot get the words out makes me laugh everytime I watch that scene. It is like the microwave flying out the room to hit the guy in episode 2….just inspired moments of comedy that seems organic and natural and has me in tears.

Well you never know. The Americans is just another passive aggressive attempt by Hollywood to say that they hate corporate greed and corruption. So basically all the media, products, services…basically our way of life.

Except no one watches the Americans really. It's ratings are pathetic and the only people who call it elite are the few fans it has and the critics. The Emmys have basically snubbed the show as if does not exist and thus if This show becomes at hit then the critics can say that the masses have no taste….cheers!

The kid does what he is told and cannot really be easily arrested or blackmailed.

I think CBS put the show at 10 on Tuesday because every other new show they put there was getting killed and so it was easier to put a show they know they are going to keep until at least a 100 episodes if not more. They did that with the Good Wife on Sundays and the Mentalist too. Sundays are just a nightmare for CBS

This show is just so unlucky to have aired right after HIMYM finished. That left a sour taste a lot of fans, not all, but a reasonable amount. The premise of the show, I guess, was too much for a potential audience that had been burned so badly not long ago. If the show had waited a little bit it may have been

With 22 to 24 episodes a season there are bound to be 4 or 5 duds a season, I can accept that. Cable shows have 4 or 5 months hiatus after shooting their final episode, networks have 4 weeks. There are bound to be mistakes along the way. I can accept this.

The problem with Noah is that he is too fucking clueless about the world. The people that succeed in life are tough as nail bastards (basically Helen's parents and his daughter). Noah wants his children to be weak and pussies and still somehow have the best life has to offer… That just not happen in life. His

How I met your mother has screwed this and any potential romantic show. Everybody start looking for the aunt Robin in the show! Whether they be a he or she. Andrew or Zelda will die and this story is about a relationship that never lasted. Just kidding.

I knew it! I knew you would give this episode a B-, go check, I posted this comment (see below) before you released your review:

The scene where Max laid everything on the table with Dylan was just so fantastic, equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking and made me both smile and get dust in my eyes.

So on one side it will be the machine, team machine and Elias and on the other it will be Samaritan, Decima and the brotherhood.

I loved the opening of Moppa, Ali being high and free to just relax and enjoy the moment with Maura was excellent. The music also was wonderful as is the perfect timing of the opening credits….I so love those credits.

During the season 2 finale the moment Finch said that he programed the machine to one day free itself when attack specifically (and thus become self aware - terminator style) I knew one day it would order the death of a non relevant number.

Reading I stand corrected, they will stretch it out.