Amplified Heat

Wait a sec, wasn't Billy supposed to be a water-guy? So why is "float in the ocean" on the list? Why is it an asterisk, referring to the same line as "beat the Lich," no less? Methinks the B-man was a-feared of the ocean, too (despite slaying an evil one, somehow). Way too many similarities to Finn's adventures in

*cough* Venture Brothers *cough*

Holding out for more money :)

No need to cry; no one seems to have noticed the two kissing dealies at the beginning appeared outsize the bubble and smooched some more about halfway through the show. Obviously the "time travel" is akin to the magic in The Prestige, in which the machine doesn't transport, but rather clones matter. Johnny, LSP, and

Why would it last forever, if even LH's love of freedom could not? The mountains around the (giant) tree-house tree aren't made of ice anymore, either. Pretty sure LH was alone out there, but still smiling as he laid down to rest.

No dream sequence when LH's knocked unconscious on the ship (land schooner?) but immediately after he walks outside? They must've rearranged the order for clarity or flow.