
Someone already posted The Golden Compass *shudder* so I'll go with my Number #2. As a kid, this book was among my favorites. Paolini rips off many other stories but lets ignore that. (I mean who doesn't right) Of course Hollywood had to go and RUIN it! :C Jeremy Irons was perfect for Brom and they squandered him.

Really reachin'

At the end of the trailer: The cry of the dreaded Acklay!

Neil Gaiman should just write the screenplay god dammit.

Definitely more accurate, haha, I missed my opportunity.

No, but the second pic looks just like Despair, heehee

Now playing

Just saw this on youtube. Needless to say I doubled over in laughter.

Yeah, that's what these guys are good at. They reveal none of the good stuff in the trailers.

Doesn't look like much, but if their last two are any indication we aren't going to be disappointed.

I was just on the official site trying to find clues about this ridiculousness. Apparently after humans left Earth we landed on a planed we called Nova Prime, which happened to be the holy planet of an alien empire. The aliens tried to kill us but we beat them in the first battle/war. After this defeat the aliens


Immediately downloaded that picture and set it as my background.

DO WANT! This review almost made me salivate.

This is delightfully disturbing.

I would assume that slavery will be present in this game. Usually the Assassins in previous games have targeted injustice and slavery is one of the biggest injustices of that period. It's a mature game and hopefully it will be able to tackle those mature elements.

The City Building Series! Pharoah was my fave.

I was looking to see if someone had, and sure enough!

Hahaha, we all know wizards are masters of the arcane art of chili cooking.

Number 4 made me throw up a lil' bit.