amos chaos

Let it go, China. Hear no evil, sino evil.

“Grzelcyk”? - what, did Wayne Gretzky and Johnny Bucyk have a baby? 

So, basically, rural midwestern little league baseball...

It must have been so cool to be one of the several dozen people at the game who saw that live.

Back in the 1970's in old Tiger Stadium, a guy a few rows behind us proposed to his girlfriend. She dropped the ring and it bounced away. Once the hysteria died down, I saw that the ring was right between my feet.

Hold your head up, Argentines

The batter should have flipped his bat while all this was going on.

There is a common thread, after all - both of these guys spent most of their careers in the basement.

I voted against Pope Thrower every frickin’ round.

This film is the closest thing I’ve done to Citizen Kane.”

There ain’t no use in Trine to justify that kind of bad sportswomanship.

People nitpicking about a skater’s choice of words should find another axle to grind.


In this day and age, why are we still stripping these young athletes?

He’s probably helping a lot of people turn over in their graves after hearing this.

I’ll be (kicked in the) back.”

Badly-played baseball is the best baseball. Can any other sport make that claim?

I think it’s gonna be a long, long time until I see this movie.

He was Casper’s Ghost. 

As an armchair GM, he’s my #1 pick.