
That’s not really a valid comparison. This lists CyberConnect2 as the developer, while FighterZ was done by Arc System Works. Two different development teams, two different priorities; Arc System Works had a good amount of time to focus on visuals as it was front and center of the game.

Ugh, I used to be a Chris Pratt fan back when he was on Park & Rec and the first Guardians... then I heard him speak in public and preachy nonsense spewed out. Then I was Liz Lemon in this:

the bad part is it was kickstarted in 2010 bc. delays people.

Hope their village prospers, their animals are always healthy and that they always have food and peace.

A wild fedora-guy appears!

Battleborn is like Barb from Stranger Things. . and Overwatch is Will Byers. . .

Now playing

Bayonetta 2 initial trailer is just so exciting and well made. I hadnt been hype for a game like that for a while, and I havent been hyped like that since.

Man Fulfills Dream To Be Asshole In Comment Section