He’s proud, perhaps for the first time ever. I’ll allow it. The real one who lacks class is his ex, who apparently shamed him.
He’s proud, perhaps for the first time ever. I’ll allow it. The real one who lacks class is his ex, who apparently shamed him.
Words, and a bit of vomit, seem to have left me.
Is this true? He went to the funeral of Congressman Clementa Pinckney, who was killed in South Carolina, and sang Amazing Grace.
Go to a funeral and listen to 3 hours of right wing douchebags rattle on about how lucky Nancy was to sex up the messiah for 40 years or keep forwarding notes to your staff from bleak-eyed Austinites begging the President to let the city secede from Texas.
A paragraph so nice it deserves to be read twice. Or more.
barack kissing babies at kerbey lane at 3:30 am
Funny, I will probably also be eating burritos when Nancy Reagans funeral is happening but that is because I am eating burritos almost 100% of the time.
This made me do a weird combination of a laugh and a sob. You made me lob.
Happy International Women’s Day.
But more importantly, how good a football player was he in college?
This is like The NeverEnding Rape Story. Good god this piece of shit was a fucking monster.
discrimination harms people. stop being a troll man.
Nope. Thats not illegal. You do have the right to refuse service for people being an asshole. just not for their sexuality. You may ask why the company doesnt just lie about it. Well i actually work as a vendor for weddings so i can tell you. Often a company may deal with just one member of the couple for the…
Also, really just wish we could get a Democratic majority/president back and add LGBT to the god damn protected classes making any of the dumbfuck bigotry bill attempts by states moot. Really should have tackled that shit back in ‘09...
This argument was made 50 years ago, and your position lost. Sorry.
I repeat, there is absolutely nothing in any of your religious texts that tell you how and to whom you may conduct your private business transactions. You’re not being pious by denying services to LGBT folks (or anyone else you disagree with), you’re being a bigot. That’s it.
This gives me life and hope. This is the kind of Democrats we want in office. Ones who will know when they're being played and fucking fight tooth and nail for what is right.