My priceless grenade collection! Nooooooo!
My priceless grenade collection! Nooooooo!
Have you SEEN authority? Not worthy of respect.
The producer watching porn on his laptop during the game is probably embarrassed today.
Don't walk alone, don't drink, don't drive a car, don't vote, don't express opinions publicly, don't be alone with men, don't be alone with strangers, don't wear tight clothes, don't wear loose clothes (that can be easily removed), don't wear feminine/attractive clothes, don't wear boyish/lesbian clothes, don't wear…
French claims. Published by a French journalist in a French newspaper.
I've already responded to this on my Geocities page, or you can see my manifesto on my Angelfire FAQ.
You can't even see Anthony Kiedis' muffin top in that pic.
I was more blown away by how the crotchety old football announcers couldn't stop talking about him after the show.
I still love him in Top Secret, but you are correct.
Ponyo, Naussica, Arietty, PomPoko, Porco Rosso, Castle of Cagliostro (Miyazaki directing another franchise), Panda Go Panda (old and aimed at very young... not a movie either) oh, how about Grave of the Fireflies (very dark), and I forgot The Return of the Cat. All good, some great. (Ponyo, Porco Rosso, Cat... maybe…
Best part? Not a drop on his suit. Pure class.
What, no "Missouri: The Rape-Me State" jokes yet? Slow day...
Because if it was a party scene from The Office, either Ricky Gervais or Steve Carrell would have ended up in jail.
I have a feeling both Keith and Nate would much rather talk baseball than politics... I bet they're sick to death of the political grind.
WD-40 is not a petroleum-based product, it's fish oil.
But only Le Petit Mort.
Saved from Saskatchewan (a fate worse than death) by the Tampa Bay Bucs. (Technically, death.)
Sadly, the entire province of Saskatchewan would have treated him like a hero. (Best fans in the country.) In Tampa, he'll most likely get arrested in a strip club.
I bet Arai was thinking about that for the rest of the at bat.
That's a fivehead.
You know who else he has a leg up on? Oscar Pistorius! Zing! Because he has no legs!
(Insert Long John Silver joke here...)