
Agent poll tax.

There should be a law where there is a mandatory person there to make sure that the agreed upon rules are followed and that the performers are safe, and this person should be chosen by the performers. We do it for animals in movies, but we can’t do it for porn performers!? 

I don’t get all the the Simmons hate. He’s hacky but inoffensive, so, who cares? He has his dumb takes but its not like he’s out there spewing racist nonsense. Also, his comment about Kyrie was that now that NBA players have all this power, they all seem unhappy with their teams all the time. I thought it was an

“Well fuck off then” is the appropriate response I think. I don’t think that Bandersnatch shouldn’t exist because some subset of fans don’t want to take part in it.

The throw to first looked good, I blame first base!

The fact that all those people (including the new spider-man) died actually makes me pretty confident that it will all be reversed soon. They shoulda been more restrained in killing people and I might have believed it was for real.

I think in isolation the two are reasonable yellow cards. However a lot of similar fouls occurred in the game and usually occur in any game. Not 100% of such fouls result in yellows. I think a more reasonable approach 8 minutes into a two legged tie is to tell the guy something like “if you so much as breathe on

Well at least its nice and thick. Certainly our troops would not be satisfied by some little spaghetti dick!

wow, this must be why the celtiics didnt take him at number 1.

Is the problem that should would be more like 50-100 or something and not 700? I really don’t get why some people want female athletes to be to be ranked without the qualifier ‘relative to women’ and simultaneously don’t want to acknowledge that if they are being ranked relative to men then they wouldn’t do so well.

I dunno, his English in that interview seemed pretty good to me.

Admittedly I dont know that much about basketball, but that just looks like regular basketball to me?

I think a lot of their success is due to their 3-4-4 formation, the extra player helps a lot!

I remember when I got my first thesaurus....

That’s why I said a manager ‘like that’ and not one of those managers.

Argentina seems to have an infinite supply of tactically-gifted managers (Sampaoli, Pochettino, Bielsa, Pekerman, Pellegrini, Gareca...) and I’m sure there are many more in South American Leagues right now. I would love it if a manager like that took over the USMNT just to see what the team could amount to with a

The linked website says “Read a horrifying dock spider story about what happened when our editor accidentally stuck his hand into a dock spider’s nursery web” with this picture:

I think that when the article is like “oh shit Jane Doe’s lawyer did something convincing” the article pic should be Rose injured on the ground or getting stuffed, and when the article is something that helps Rose’s case the pic should be like Rose dunking or something. Just a thought.

This kind of helps establish how little control defenders have on where their hits land. There’s no chance he meant to take out or headhunt his own player and yet thats what it ended up looking like. If it had been a player from another team it might have looked like a really dirty hit.