I wish the people trying to "help" us by perpetuating this attitude that maybe these things could be avoided if we made different choices would just shut the fuck up and take responsibility of how much they are a part of this goddamn problem.
"When I first heard 'Wrecking Ball,' I thought it was a brilliant song. But the video distracts too much from it."
I have so many complicated feelings about the gigantic edifice of "amateurism" bullshit the NCAA has created, about how football is treated by some schools, about concussions, and so on.
how about banning them from collecting a paycheck from the government indefinitely?
Well yeah - I dunno. I read "told her her parts would be blurred" as "it was in her contract that her parts would be blurred" because otherwise, it seems like she wouldn't have a case at all and it wouldn't be worth writing about.
I read about this yesterday, and despite all the awful things floating around on the internet right now, I won't deny that this made my day.
at least it's not Sean Penn?
anyone else get the feeling this is the administration trying to punish students for speaking up, and disguise it as giving them what they want? cuz that's what it reeks of to me.
Yeah, how dare someone with an opinion try to shove it down my throat without first paying a monthly rental fee to a third-party for the right to do so.
I have to get to know people first, so much so that during my doomed first relationship, my ex declared I was frigid———which my next BF laughed at. First BF was the sort of guy who CONSTANTLY tested my boundaries all the damned time, and doubled down when I called him on it. THAT is a very very bad sign. So I…
Ugh. That's creepy. Sounds like a teensy tiny version of those people who scream, "You're infringing on my religious freedom by not allowing me to do what I want to you."
Of course people won't complain when you hug them; if they're into it, there's nothing to complain about, and if they're not into it, it's probably because they're uncomfortable with you crossing a boundary against excessive physical contact without their permission and to tell you to stop it would make that whole…
Yeah I think reinforcers are more effective than punishers, personally. In terms of getting the desired behavior, there isn't a ton of difference. Punishers often work faster, but not by much. Punishers, however, create a link between the behavior and an aversive condition, which I think is undesirable in the long…
Yes; we've written about the product placement before I think. But the important thing here is Team Berger or GTFO.
PSA: Please do not engage with w33zy-b4by
You win this entire thing.
I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be very happy to hear about this...