
This shit. My kiddo told me about a boys vs. girls soccer game she was playing in where the girls were winning. One of her classmates was telling his friend that he was playing like a girl (sucking). I wanted to tell her if he was playing like a girl, he would have been winning...

I had something similar happen. It was like $2 on $50. It also happened to be my last shift at that restaurant. After seeing the tip, I met them at the door as they were leaving. I held out the pamphlet to the man who paid and said "Jesus wanted me to tell you my landlord doesn't accept religious material as rent. She

Tori doesn't sound upset because she ventured into kinky waters for Dean. She sounds upset because he's making it sound like she wasn't a sexually fulfilling partner. Cheaters often like to focus on stupid stuff ("We didn't have sex the night before I left for my job") as an excuse for their behavior - see, Tori made

Do yourself a favor and eat a cheeseburger with glazed donuts instead of a bun. You'll thank me when you're done eating it and hate me when you develop diabetes.

at least he will always cherish the woman suit he makes out of her.

It's a school. A public school. Where there is an order and a structure set up. That's what it's for. He is not unreasonable demanding that it be handled better. Was he a nuisance? Yes. But is he a bad parent, or a stupid person for feeling the way he does? Not on your life.

She's fourteen. He's a concerned parent. That passage is pretty graphic. Nothing here is saying that he doesn't speak to his kids about sex. Perhaps he is upset that the school didn't notify him so that he could decide for himself whether he wanted to have that conversation, or trust that the teacher would deal with

I think it's difficult for most people to admit their ignorance the way that Kim Kardashian has with regard to racism. I don't understand the instinct to mock someone for this. Thinking that these issues are everyone else's problem is not actually that uncommon, especially for this generation. So good for her for

Too bad it was this particular song. Makes me lose a little respect for the whole lot of them.

I'm sorry, but there is no way I am watching a video with the gross Blurred Lines, even if Hugh Jackman is in it. Unless you promise me that they act grossed out by the lyrics...

Huh. My immediate reaction was "yes, of course it is - it's very easy to avoid assaulting someone." I understand why people might read it in the context of rape culture/victim blaming, but I guess I am somewhat surprised that it's so problematic it must be taken down and not doubled down on as a "Yes, we mean it,

Just in case you were confused, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reiterated recently that gay marriage and gay sex will send folks right to hell. Like, directly to hell.

Hi. Just gotta clear a couple things up, as a former Mormon who is still in touch with the culture. First, saying being gay will send you "Like, directly to hell" is not at all what Mormons believe. They barely believe in an actual hell, and they do not actually think being gay is gonna send anyone there. It'll

I really wish a lot of these actors would ignore the body questions or refuse to answer. If someone asked you about your post baby body (or your body at any time) just tell them to fuck right off or turn the question around. I would love for just one person to put Guiliana Ranic or whoever on the spot about their own

The only April Fool's "prank" I ever remember playing is when my little brother and I were like, 8 and 6 and had just learned about the concept of the day. Not fully getting it, other than it being a lie about something, we went into our babysitter's apartment and started talking about how there had been a huge car

My dream April Fools joke by Obama is during the last year of his term to act like he is going to paint the White House black. Get some painters out there with tarps and black paint and start painting a corner of the building. Then be like, "April Fools!" when people freak the fuck out.

Dear American Apparel,

Yeah, the accused is from L.A. I don't think there's any one geographic area that's got an exclusive on creeps.

Oh me too. (Is 29 middle-aged? Damnit.)

"When the plane landed, the minor promptly found a TSA official."