
Keep doing you, amommyous. I think you're still amazing. Like you said, if you stay, you're bending to their will. No compromises!! If they won't let you make changes, they don't deserve to have you working for them.


When male players want to imply that another male player sucks, they call him a woman.

Now playing

I hope so. I do care if people eat meat, because it's a decision with repercussion far beyond the individual, but again, everything, and I mean everything for me is informed by context. I sure do hope people have an "AHA!" moment, too, but the meat industry/factory farming industry is so big, and so powerful, and they

Well, as amommyous pointed out above, you could choose not to let your kids go. Which is what I would probably do. I would say, "Hey, I know this sucks that you can't go to your party, but I strongly feel that Hooters promotes a way of treating women that I disagree with." Then I would talk about it with my kid.

My wife had a miscarriage, and it was a horrible, horrible experience for us to endure. The baby was hardly full term, and she didn't deliver it, but still...that whole experience has taught me a life lesson, which is this: it is traumatic and painful as fuck to lose a child, and basically you should NEVER EVER judge

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

You know what's retarded? Using the word retarded like that.

I wish they'd familiarize themselves with the fifth.

I know this is probably in gray, but ... People, replying to trolls only promotes them. Do not reply to trolls. It only gives them the attention for which they're so desperate.

I respectfully disagree. I miscarried at 6 weeks, and while I certainly grasp that what I lost physically was "only" a ball of barely beginning to be differentiated cells, mentally and emotionally it was already and will forever be my child. I think it's a distinction the mother has to make dependent on her own

Well, guess what. It is bizarre and gross.