
I jerk off in the shower a couple times a week, minimum. The disadvantages are all easily overcome and the advantage of minimal cleanup is comparatively IMMENSE. I normally do it first thing. I have lube with my shower things - I spent an embarrassing number of years in my youth jerking it without lube, and now I

“You go through the Colin Kaepernick tape from a year ago,” Jaworski said around the 22-minute mark of the podcast. “Three hundred thirty-one passes. Only seven of those balls were interceptable, as opposed to what I was talking about with Wentz at 31 and Dak at 13. [Kaepernick] only had seven interceptable balls, so

They’ll have paid Craig a total of $25.5m plus a prorated portion of $2.75m, as against a prorated portion of $15.25m plus $500k they didn’t pay John Lackey. The bigger problem with that deal was actually that they missed on Joe Kelly evaluation-wise.

Greg Egan

and the end result is almost uncomfortably suspenseful.

Again, nothing.

Can you repeat this in English? I’m curious what you might be getting at, because I shop on Amazon a lot.

Right? The other day I get on here it’s all “please turn off your ad blocker” and I’m like “what ad blocker, I see this pay per click shit all over the damn place right now!”


He’ll be even closer to San Francisco—a few dozen miles from the ballpark where we first got a whiff of his, um, approach at the plate.



Patrick Redford, I want to tell you that you have improved tremendously as a writer over the years that you have been working for Deadspin.

The fact that you’ve written like a dozen comments on this - that I’ve seen so far - and still can’t spell McGregor’s name right pretty much invalidates your opinion. Like the author said - Every dumbass can make authoritative statements about something they know nothing about.

you might be literally retarded

This is such fake, drummed-up controversy. It couldn’t be clearer that this was a simple miscommunication and nothing more - the school was expecting to get a draft of the speech and didn’t; they have a default speech in place for just such an eventuality, which was provided to the student no questions asked, and then

1. Love me some Kamala Harris. Have voted for her in every election I was able, so going back a few years.

You are a seriously troubled person.