
My former boss was ranting about how a female co-worker had to leave early to pick up her sick child from school. “It’s irresponsible. I have a kid and you don’t see me ever having to go pick her up because she’s sick.”

I have long hair....I'm 50,,,it looks boss

Here's my problem with the whole mom hair thing:

All women in Tech can tell you about meetings that they were not invited to, completed assignments that they did not receive credit for, plum assignments given to less deserving male colleagues, SUPER condescension from said male colleagues, in addition to having any initiative squashed by said male colleagues that

I love baseball, and since I have lady parts, I’ve spent my whole life having men try to diminish my opinions or my passion. I called a sports talk radio show once to answer a trivia question and had the (male) host ask, “Did your boyfriend give you the answer?” I wore a shirt for one of my favorite players while

We don't have matching tats but this was our custom drawn wedding invitation I got on my arm for our anniversary. Our rooster was our ring bearer

Yes, this has been validated by me as well. While I have not been a barista I was on a first name basis with the barista at the coffee/ice cream shop next to the sushi place I worked. She would regularly let me have a flavor shot in my coffee or extra chocolate syrup in my sundae for free because she knew I always got

I don't have the power alone, but in numbers we could literally turn over the nation's bandwidth gouging into something really awesome. Comcast has gone on long enough, time to make it shape up and fly right.

Ya'll gonna make me lose my mesh.

Mandated vaccinations are the only way. Exemptions for medical reasons only (i.e., those who MUST rely on herd immunity). Absolutely no personal belief exemptions allowed, period. No messing with the schedule, either. You either vaccinate on schedule, or you home school or pay for private school that allows belief

YOU GUYS I want an actual Muslim president so bad. It doesn't even matter where he or she stands on the issues; it would be worth it just to watch these morons cry and shit themselves.

1: The entire trend of increasingly outrageous "prom-posals" is dumb as fuck. Aside from the obvious, it's really awful to put someone in a position where they feel like they can't say no.

Yeah, this is why, even though I feel like I'm aligning myself with a certain amount of BS, I still go organic, particularly with meat/dairy. The scientists are actually freaking out about this, guys, and supporting factory farming is as stupid as denying climate change etc etc.

Sorry, I cannot get on board with this. There are a crapton of websites that do not contain anything worth protecting at all.

TheCasualEnthusiast - St. Louis, MO

FYI, you're kind of an entitled asshole. The reason many places ban perfume is because of people with allergies, asthma, or migraines. Perfume can trigger a hour or days long migraine for some people.

Posted a review based only upon the ridiculous so-Santa Fe ban...

This hit, that ice cold

I only eat free-range linguinies. You can't imagine how the caged ones suffer.