
Get back to work, Stewart!

Today's Christian doesn't think he needs church. He's got his hi-fi, his boob tube, and his instant pizza pie.

Nothing like a depressant to chase the blues away.

"Fry, is it really you?"
"I don't know. Is it really you?"
"What do you mean you don't know? Are you you or not?"
"Who wants to know?"

I believe they prefer to be called "Springfieldianites."

What did you just do? Stop doing things!

That's the only thing about being a slave.

Howdy, neighbor! May I spray you with the hose in a playful fashion?

When I saw Selma, the theater played previews for both of those movies back to back. I thought it was…glaring.

Thumbs up.

That could be 10,000 people!

Unscientific Poll: Which is the funnier "Aw Nuts" line? Carl here or the guy at the South Pole when he finds out the toilet is frozen?

I mean…Aw Nuts!

I can't exscape youratbastard, our little walking liberry.

Wunch time is over! Boom! Did it! Had it both ways! No regrets.

Good line though.


That opening announcement from Holt was practically a roller coaster of emotion.

I think people can mix that up because the way Moe says "particular" is so distinct. Like at the end of The Homer They Fall. "Where are you going?" "Ah, nowheres in patikilar."

"Yeah, it's a lazy dog-danglin' afternoon."