
Not sure about other providers, but Time Warner will allow you to bring your own Internet modem and they will provide you with an eMTA without a lease fee.

Not sure about other providers, but Time Warner will allow you to bring your own Internet modem and they will

You didn’t mention it in the article: did Baylor do anything that seemed to tolerate Oakman's behavior?

Mature? They sell the Miata.

Please, shower every day.

Everybody should star this just to infuriate Douche Gossage.

Your anguish. :)

Just to make you hate him more, I believe his first name is Caid.

FYI, I was being facetious.

Virginia committed four turnovers against the press.

You clearly haven’t watched them play.

GM’s plan was low volume. Straight from Fitzpatrick, 1,700 - 2,000 a year was to be considered a success.

Yep, Fitzpatrick said in 2013 that 1,700 - 2,000 a model year would be considered a success.

I’m not normally a Miata fan, but damn this thing looks sexy with the roof closed.