
So what if you are gatekeeping? Casual gamers dont have real feelings anyway.

She’s a porn star, thats probably her 5th abortion.

Yeah games are taking longer to make and are getting worse in quality. A funny root cause of this is the new generation of programmers being taught by subpar instructors who never shipped software. Unfortunate, but colleges needed software programs yesterday and got underqualified people and taught everyone how to

I’m enjoying the game. I don’t care how miserable the employees were while making it.

You are a hate filled creature.

Its 100% alright for them to do this. Its their store, you walked in to give them money for things. If keeping you there longer tends to make people spend more money, then they’ll do it. Its their store, they can do what they want.

Nintendo wants people to buy and play their games, not watch them. Funny how their policies point to that but people foam at the mouth at anything.

I have my late grandpa’s laptop. Its an HP with a early generation i3. This past weekend I actually downloaded games on there that I thought were perfect for it. It is *almost* as powerful as the first Xbox (haha almost said Xbox 1).

The MS store is literally in your start menu as-is with Windows 10 dude...not that big of an inconvenience.

Whoa. After reading this, I thought,”I would love it if Kotaku reposted older game reviews”

Great review and I’m happy The Totilo was the one to do it. I purchased Braid out of boredom and realized what great game design can be found in little indie games. I played The Witness at a few events in the past year and it will definitely be a Day 1 purchase from me.

The series has been on plenty of Nintendo platforms so I think it doesn’t matter. I would have liked to see Lightning instead. I think Cloud is just too 90’s.

Ah the esports vs sports debate. You know real sports is also just watching people play outside.

I wouldn’t mind if Kotaku promoted themselves like that out here in Vegas.... :)

It is a video game. A game. Games have rules so you follow them. End of story.

I wonder if going back to school for the newer player base has anything to do with the drop? Also, it would be interesting to see if LoL has any kind of similar stat tracking.