
This is no more or less obtuse than Brooks' column.

It's "meese"

I don't even know what that means.

Now that's interesting.

You are all up and down these comments trashing Heinlein. Your opinion of one of the most revered, influential, and prolific authors of all time and the genres first Grand Master has been made clear. History disagrees and no three dozen comments of yours on a message board can change that.

Anyone who prefers the movie to the book is automatically assumed to be a character in Idiocracy to me, and I don't mean Luke Wilson.

I am legit amazed by the number of people here praising this movie (which is admittedly a fun popcorn flick) but trashing the book (which is one of the most important and influential science fiction books ever written). F'ing Philistines.

"I did not like the book and I'm a big fan of the movie."

Clearly he wasn't going to give the meat to his friend anyway. His friend forfeited his steak when he displayed a lack of appreciation for quality beef. I'd understand if I was that friend. I like hot dogs too.

Clearly he wasn't going to give the meat to his friend anyway. His friend forfeited his steak when he displayed a lack of appreciation for quality beef. I'd understand if I was that friend. I like hot dogs too.

He didn't tell him how he should like his food. He told him he wasn't going to ruin a quality piece meat. If I had an expensive bottle of red wine that I was excited to drink and share with people who appreciate expensive wine, and someone wanted to put ice cubes in it, I'd point them toward my vodka and the Kool-Aid

The biggest comic book nerds I know in Brooklyn are Puerto Rican and Dominican. *shrug*

I like the part where Ninja talks about his dick.

Why do you hate fun?

It's about the juice! But also not about the juice.

Humor aside, this is not how the law works. It won't let ISPs sell our individual browsing histories or personal data. They'll be allowed to collect, aggregate and sell our collective data, presumably to assist with targeted advertising. This concept is the backbone of the entire business model of companies like

Genny, at least, is still brewed in the Rochester, NY area. This Costa Rican monster company actually invested in their existing facilities and kept the entire staff and management. So, that's something.

New York/Tri-State Area (0)
There are no matching events in New York/Tri-State Area.

So they just made everyone fatter. Got it.

A dry hole, Cy.