Growing and changing = “being more closeted to avoid angering people”. Gah.
During the awful thing that was the RNC, I swore all the white blonde ladies looked the same. And I say this is a white blonde haired lady. But, seriously, they looked identical and it was creepy.
I’ve never used it but there were times in the past that I didn’t speak up when I heard someone else use it. To this day I’m ashamed of my cowardice. I try to give myself a break with “I was younger and not self-confident and blah blah” but it really was just that I didn’t want the person to not like me. This is the…
i think she wanted to use the n**ggA to be hip but ended using the one her parents use at home
I have been looking at this pic for a good 10 minutes and I can’t tell them apart. I am bad (awful) with faces though. If that was someone’s dating history, I would feel 100% confident in my ability to pick out the next girlfriend.
Answer: the brunette who is accepting of all people and beasts.
Throw a convention for the republican party?
It’s a beauty pageant for teenagers. If you can think of a more efficient way to attract the worst people in the world, I’d be interested to hear it.
I think those shirts and pants are sold together at the Gap as a Dad Package.
Even though what she did was harmless, I cringe when I think about what some of the more disgusting shitheads on the Internet will say about this.
So she’s still a convicted felon for having a miscarriage? Not feeling too much relief with this new sliding scale of “good news” we’ve got going on lately.
Apparently we’ve reached a point where calling for snipers to shoot Black people and using the N-word is not subtle enough for the Republican party. Good, I guess?
I’m not sure how I missed this when it happened but seriously, fuck everyone. Particularly Mike fucking Pence. This poor woman.
I’m sorry but Celine is just KILLING IT these days. I grew up on her and always thought she was an incredible talent but just blah when it comes to her personality. Now I can’t leave the room if she’s on television. She’s engaging, funny, talented, and absolutely gorgeous. Good on her!
It’s the hypocrisy that gets me. They’re always screaming about private enterprise and there being too much regulation and how companies should be able to run themselves as they see fit but as soon as a private company makes a decision like this to censor hate speech, they lose their minds and start crying. What part…
Funny how some people want to protect speech when it's racist. It was horrible how organized the attack was on Leslie. How do regular people handle it?
Every time my girlfriends and I go bar hopping, we always end the night emotionally singing Celine Dion songs. I love her so so so much without any irony at all.
lol I love Celine. She’s one of the few big singers who always seems ready to have fun and be goofy. Doesn’t take herself seriously at all. Love her. She’s so extra.
Imagine being so broken inside that you can’t love (or even like) Michelle Obama.