Yes. People shouldn’t know about the fucked up state guns have gotten our country into. You’re totally right.... *buries head in sand*
Yes. People shouldn’t know about the fucked up state guns have gotten our country into. You’re totally right.... *buries head in sand*
Yes lets have all news just be local. We dont need to know what is happening in other parts of the country.
Really getting sick of seeing all these comments implying someone is lesser in life due to having "only" a few thousand in the bank. It must be awesome to live in that bubble when most the country is struggling financially but apparently you're a piece of shit if you don't have 6 figures stashed away.
Some people, for whatever reason, can't resist the basic hormonal response to anything that resembles gambling, and lacking such impulse control, will dump irrationally huge amounts of money into it.
Compulsive gambling and eating disorders are real things.
Yeah, this is actually kind of sad.
I think the level of rigging in carnival games is the thing that should be illegal.
Gambling addiction is pretty serious. It's easy to make fun of him but clearly he wasn't thinking rationally.
A few months ago, physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his team at…
I completely agree, and I has a similar experience when I was 13-14. I remember feeling terrified. It's not just in our heads, this can be and is a serious problem for many teenage girls. I think the concern is justified.
Damn, I've never had a feeling that had consistently creeped me out yet eluded my description described so accurately like that. That is EXACTLY what it was that made me so explicably disgusted on so many levels!!
Young girls are harassed and preyed upon because they are easier to manipulate and have less experience. It's a seriously unbalanced power dynamic. It's not about being a prude. When I was an older teen I dated a couple of guys who were 24/25. Now that I'm that age, finished with college and a grown ass adult with…
I think one reason there's a strong reaction sometimes is that many of us have been the 14 year old girl with adult men, including teachers, friends' dads and authority figures, hitting on her. Or hugging her too often and too long, staring at her tits, making her uncomfortable. It can be damaging. Too often the…
Honestly, the reason I find it so effing creepy when I'm hit on by men considerably older than me is because they tend to assume I'll be receptive/naïve. I'll find that repulsive regardless of the age of the person hitting on me.
Reddit's "jailbait" section, on which users posted pictures of (clothed) young girls, was shut down last month after…
@omgsoironic: AH! I had a boyfriend in college who had two blackheads about three millimeters apart from each other that were there for MONTHS. One night, I was trying to remove one and suddenly, it popped out with a tail and i realized, the other blackhead was gone too—it was the tail of the tail! Still not sure how…
@calei: That's a very interesting tip.
I trace my skin-picking obsession to one fateful day back in my early teens.
If you must poke a hole in a pimple's head, I would suggest using lancets. The kind that diabetics use. I have a box of 30 gauge ones that I bought for about 3 bucks. Works like a charm, and definitely is faster and less painful than using any larger pin/needle.