
Well, some of us.

Did we just stumble across one of those strange “click bait articles” that I’ve read about? The ones where the author uses some inane hyperbole in order to get people to read his otherwise perfectly reasonable post? I thought those were just myths! My mind is literally spinning and I’m getting light headed just

murder-chickens gave me the lols

This is why humans got the fuck out of the ocean in the first place and fucking evolved to the magnificent fuckers I / we are.

Giant scoprions. Giant sharks. This fucking thing. Prehistoric bodies of water were just great big puddles of Nope. I’ll take my chances on land with the giant murder-chickens, thank you very much.

I believe in accountability, and that means that your employees represent you. If Wendy’s hired someone that out of touch, I don’t think I should be in a hurry to support them, regardless of the intent.

Generally I would agree with you, but some of the WWE wrestlers are goddamned comedy gold. You just have to pick and choose carefully who you follow.

I think there is a lot of room between “Just get over it” and “Wendy’s is Hitler”, but maybe I’m taking a more nuanced look at this.

Yes but his grandmother had the utmost respect for the Jewish community!

Filed to: Twitter. Is. The. Fucking. Worst.

I think that’s a two way street. I have read plenty of people say “yeah, but vot for Killary?!?”. Our system is so screwed up right now. We aren’t worried about who we want winning, we are more worried by not letting the other side win at all costs. No matter how bad Trump is, his supporters will support him saying at

This is actually an excellent idea...but it should be televised.

Lets dispose of these useless “debates”, which only serve to rescue the imploding campaigns of arrogant sex predators, while giving yet another clueless audience things to clap for.

Another horrible logic I could see from the Trump campaign is their effort to paint Bill Clinton as a sexual predator rather than just the philanderer we all know he’s been. No one has ever been able to show that Bill’s done anything other than have consensual sex outside his marriage, but there have been repeated

Did the co-worker get reprimanded or fired? That would be a nice ending to this story.

One time I was talking to a co-worker about a problem that South Africa was having (it was so long ago now that I don’t recall what the problem was) and then my co-worker smiled and said “That’s what they get for ending apartheid”. To make matters worse he said it right in front of our boss, who was from Africa.