
Excellent example. And the article appears to imply that the perps were white with this line, "It is a reminder that rape isn't an Indian problem or a Syrian problem. It is a transcultural and international epidemic."

The Times was not "afraid" of anything. That white people did the lynchings of black men for alleged crimes or insults against white people goes without saying. She knows that, I know that. The author just wanted an excuse to say, "White men are so EVIL and the racist Times couldn't admit it"!!!!!!!

It's been used as a justification by a black man to kill white women.

It becomes a form of bigotry when only atrocities by "white people" are discussed and emphasized by the MSM — essentially creating a false narrative that only white people commit atrocities, and are thus "inherently more evil". I've frequently encountered people on the far left blogospere (Gawker included) who believe

Um you missed the point of the comment. Of course Till's father's crimes have nothing to do with it and the comment was in direct response to the article that was pointing out that white Americans today probably all had ancestors who took part in racist violence, as if they're somehow responsible for the crimes of

This is false. Blacks also lynched other blacks.

"we all know it was perpetrated by Christians..."

eh, you guys have been guilty of this as well. Here is just one example. Difference is, everyone knows it was whites who did the lynching.

"But like that NAACP bombing in Colorado that a) the news felt no need to report on"

This is one of the most idiotic things that I have ever actually seen in writing. Let's not actually consider actual science that says that young males are 100% more likely to be afflicted by schizophrenia than young women, or the science that says that males are 40% more likely overall (considering all age groups)