Did he ask you to pick up some soft pretzels while you were on the case? (Pennsylvania joke. Sorry not sorry.)
Did he ask you to pick up some soft pretzels while you were on the case? (Pennsylvania joke. Sorry not sorry.)
We used to play straight rush, tackle, no pads, football on the Mall in the 90's. Usually near the Washington Monument, but also wherever we could jump on a field.
It doesn’t make sense because business people don’t put hundreds of millions down and say: “it’s okay if I don’t get the expected revenues because isn’t the Bournemouth story so inspiring.”
It’s not so much the decisions of the existing owners/commuters as it is the developments that get built. Drive along 270 and you’ll see new housing developments still going up.
I’m pretty solidly in your camp on this one...
After a lifetime of botched attempts, this time i’m leaving for good. Again.
The point is that you could have called a foul — and would have, if you’d stopped and looked at the replay — literally 0.3 seconds before this. Reviewing one and not the other doesn’t make the game more accurate, just slower. Some might say it makes the game less accurate, as the grab from Guy was more significant…
Don’t blame Americans for VAR! Most American soccer fans are weirdo luddites -- that’s how we became soccer fans in the first place.
I’ll also note that the vaunted TT defense really shat the bed on that 3-pointer that forced overtime. They started in the “prevent” defense where they’d chase off the 3-point line and give up 2 (that layup would have given Tech the ball up by 1 with ~10 seconds left). Instead, they gave up the drive, then panicked,…
The NBA consciously manipulates the rules of the game to make it’s “product” more marketable. Since the 90s, the trend has been for rules that to increase scoring. The OP is right in that sense.
I hear a lot of white guys say they don’t watch the NBA because “they don’t play any defense.”
Thank God after a few years, they’ll have all the bugs worked out of instant replay, like the NFL.
Moretti for sure complained the second it happened.
Has he been asked about this? Having seen loved ones go through life-altering battles with addiction to (and misuse of) prescription medicine, life-altering episodes around changing medications, and life-altering episodes when they go off their meds — I could see some combination of these factors being in play.
Yeah! Wizards fans hate the Celtics because everyone hates Massholes. But I’m not sure we’re in the top 10 of Celtic haters.
First prize is a week in Philadelphia. Second prize is two weeks in Philadelphia.
The leak actually helps Harper. The Nats were obviously ready to move on, but Harper and Boras would lose face with a 10/$220M offer.
I’ve got 3 olympic kayakers living on my block. This is a great city to get whitewater year round. But yeah, point taken...