“We’re trying to tank!”
“We’re trying to tank!”
By that logic, would you argue that all associations should be paying their women the same as the men? England? Ghana? Argentina?
No athlete DESERVES to be paid anything. They get paid by how many people want to watch them (and, in a related way, how much advertisers can sell while people watch them).
If you’re marketing yourself as the millienial / woke / not-the-NFL sport, AND the women and men are bringing in about the same number of eyeballs...
I’m not too up on the MLB world, but isn’t that the difference between the Chris Davis who was a >5 WAR player and the one who is now in the -negatives.
That award should very clearly have been Pepe’s!
No one in North America who has watched NFL playoffs recently (or hockey playoffs with the varieties of blown offside/crease/goalie interference/etc.) should be under any doubt the degree to which VAR: a) slows down the game, b) ruins the emotion of the game, and, c) changes the nature of the sport by making some…
I still think the jury is out on Love, as hard as that is to say with a straight face.
I loved it too! For english football fans of a certain age, shades of Roy Keane telling Patrick Vieira to “pick on someone your own size”.
Why can’t we have anything nice? I really fear Pulisic is going to be a whipping boy for the Chelsea supporters.
I don’t know if I’ll make it out of the greys, but being weirdly grudgy is a sign that Utd are turning into Liverpool ca. 2010.
The transformation into Liverpool is complete. (Not the Liverpool currently vying for the title. The Liverpool of the last 20 years who, in lieu of title challenges, seemed to like nothing more than nursing weird grudges.)
It’s hard to get mad at owners for doing the rational thing. The system is flawed by design: players only make a “fair” wage over their career if they make free agency, and then get paid by dumb owners in free agency.
Nobody in the NHL was trying to give the Knights anything more than a chance at making the playoffs. Vegas just happened to be in position to be doing their selection at a time when more than half of the league was still dumb. Calling them out would be like saying “Moneyball sucks because the Mets didn’t know…
2. Don’t discount the value of low 1st round picks. They’re worth a lot in this league. If you really want to up it, you could put the comp pick between lottery and the rest of the 1st round.
You can be an old-fashioned, big-government leftie and be sceptical about the EU. Some of the issues I have with the EU:
I don’t think any owners would ever vote for relegation — it immediately devalues their business by a lot.
Yeah, i really worry that soccer is going to eat itself in the near future. Too much gap between 1st and 7th, and too much of that is down to dirty money...
The beauty of unions is that it fuses right wing shitbirdism with noble altruism.
Trade that Wall and make NY pay for it!