Proof? And 17 is legal in many states (average age of consent is 16, like in New York). Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17-year-old.
Proof? And 17 is legal in many states (average age of consent is 16, like in New York). Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17-year-old.
"Onision, he is a youtuber who sleeps with underage girls and a few have accused him of rape)."
Because his videos are staged. Just like VitalyzdTV and JinkiesTV. This has been suspected for a long time, and thanks to this recent controversy, he finally came clean with his fakery.
Nah. This has been suspected of many youtube pranksters for a long time now, including Sam Pepper. The one called VitalyzdTV is perhaps the biggest offender. His channel is filled with people calling him out for staging his "pranks".
All his prank videos are fake. He's yet another youtube prankster who fakes his videos for money. He joins the ranks of Vitaly, Roman Atwood, Jinkies TV and many others. If not for the controversy of that groping video, he would have passed off the reactions of the women as "genuine", but the hate forced him to come…
His fan base is mostly made up of young men. That's the same with virtually all youtube pranksters.
That's not the law in California, nor is that the "law" in the bill that was just passed. You must be rendered *incapable* of resisting by the alcohol in order for the sex to constitute rape. In other words, incapacitated. Merely being "drunk" does not make it "non-consenting", so stop spreading that ignorance. See…
California rape law is already the same as the bill. It just forces colleges to adopt the same definitions of consent as the criminal law.
This bill has no affect on California criminal rape law. It only affects colleges. In other words, it changes nothing regarding the criminal prosecution of rape.
It's not really "Islam". It's just MEN. If not for the hadith misogyny, they'd just find some other reason hate women, like them not being able to get sex with beautiful women whenever they want. Widespread atheism hasn't eliminated misogyny in the West. The justifications for it are just different. Focus on Middle…
The current Hollywood example of this is Sam Taylor-Wood, who directed the film adaption of 50 Shades of Gray. She's married to a much younger actor, and he is much better looking than she is.
"when Zayn first joined One Direction, he was called a terrorist because he is not white, blonde and blue-eyed pop star and also because he's Muslim."
Her real crime, being a beautiful blonde who was honored for her beauty. That was bound to drive many Jezebels insane.
"commonly accepted" because it appeals to a lot of feminists who wish to downplay the number of false accusations. The 2% figure is not reliable. The majority of US studies on this issue put the figure a lot higher. Feminists cherry picked the 2%"study". But more and more Feminists are now citing Lisak's work, which…
Or youtube. Or xhamster.
Reddit is a radical feminist haven. The place is dominated by
Interesting that you used the lowest stat reported. Biased much? And no, the highest stats are 40-90% (Eugene Kanin, 1994 — Stewart, 1981). The average is like 20%.
You don't speak for people who are selfish and evil. For them, it's quite easy to "cry rape".
It ranges from 5 to 8%, according to the most credible data.
I haven't found a single case of where a woman had consensual drunken sex with a man, *remembered* it, and then later reported him for rape because she regretted her consent. None of the important rape appeals that made the news (and helped to clarify the law in that particular state) have dealt with such a scenario.…