is it just me or does anyone else get this urge to start crying when they hear heaven is a place on earth?
is it just me or does anyone else get this urge to start crying when they hear heaven is a place on earth?
Millions of people the world over loved Chris Cornell as fans. Dozens the world over loved him as a friend or as family. A very select number loved him as a husband or a father.
Young and first hearing Soundgarden on Pump Up the Volume - hearing such angry and aggressive and (in my young mind) counter-cultural and “dangerous” music on the soundtrack - wanting to be edgy so adding soundgarden to mixed tapes, then falling in love with Badmotorfinger (tape and CD), then being BLOWN AWAY by…
You know when you meet a new friend and you’re like, You are fucking hilarious! And it seems like you have so much in common and she tells the funniest stories and it’s all sunshine and light and drinking too much and stumbling home but then one morning she calls crying and is like, can I borrow money for an…
This is how you do literal Cherry Pie. (haha)
T: “That’s one of my greatest fears.”
isn’t there a joke about that? The difference between actors and writers in Hollywood is that the actors aren’t too proud to wait your tables.
um. uh. I. oh my.
This is a pretty amazing use of being a celebrity, really inspiring people to stay in school ‘n’ the such. Hope this starts an avalanche of others in similar positions.
I wonder if he asked the mugshot photographer if they wanted him to do any poses.
Anna would sell tickets and pimp out Bella Hadid in a second.
Aside: if by “freaky processed peanut butter powder” you mean that PB2 stuff, does anyone who’s not on a camping trip eat that?
Now I am picturing a bunch of city dwellers wandering the country side in search of wild blueberries, getting lost, and eating something psychotropic.
The East is this wonderful place where people don’t have cell phones and modern medicine!
While we’re at it, can we also stop spelling Latino and Latina with an x?
I keep getting it confused with Frye, the boot company.
Yeah, these festivals are no joke. That it can even be done in a year blows my mind.
Based on that pic I will refer to him as Clairol Shag Mullett and nothing else.
It’s insanely hard work, even for small groups in controlled environments. Thousands on a tropical island? Military-scale operation.
Thank you! And yeah, I came away with MAD appreciation for what event planners do. It was exhausting just being adjacent to it.