I Kissed Your Dad and He Liked It

Maybe I am just a cynic, but I don’t think it is happening that often. Usually if a toilet isn’t working, the damn thing will run over, not just stop pulling the poo through. If the toilet is broken, your date is a colossal asshole for not telling you. Lastly, why are you using a 2nd floor restroom? If you are in the

He probably sent Hill 30,000 dick pics. I’d delete them too, girl.

I bet he is masturbating furiously to that headline. Right. Now. “Yeah, baby, I’m 5 feet 10 inches of big cock.” Blech!

I agree! I think it’s cute and fun. And he isn’t wrong- I have no doubt she is always the smartest person in the room. Celebs are people too, and they have a right to express their presidential choices just like anyone else.

Either you did tell everyone,or you are a living urban legend

The only Banks Rza needs is Paul. He would have much better party manners.

She is the best seat-filler of all time! AKA Chicken Cutlets, she is the patron saint of famewhores.

The internet just makes these kooks look much more popular than they really are. Westboro Baptist has much less than 100 members, the so-called Catholic Defense League is *literally* one person strong. But people blow this shit up on social media, and the general public thinks it is bigger than it really is. That

Momma Didn’t Raise No Fool

Fallon is a terrible, no-good alcoholic cokewhore. No offense to alcoholic cokewhores, who are usually awesome.

Yep, Billy is going to be King of the Idiots if he goes to Fox (and you know they are courting him). What Baio is to Trump, Beyoncé is to Hillary. Billy will be Fox News’s Rihanna (only not).

His last name is Bone and he wore a rather dorky sweater. Now he is the target of an internet/meme feeding frenzy. Geez, people. Lay off the guy.

Yep. It’s the Rush Limbaugh of newspapers. I do admit their headlines bring a giggle, but the rest is far-right garbage.

Preach! It took me years to get the right “cocktail”. I still get the blues sometimes, but not in that paralyzing way he describes so well.

I know it’a trite to say “brave”, but damn, Cudi- thank you for sharing. I know I have been there, and based on comments here and on fb, so have many others. Thank you for sharing your struggle, and I’m so glad you are getting help. It’s not easy admitting your brain doesn’t work quite right, and that is a damn shame.

I would watch the hell out of Law and Order: Kimye edition.

I saw that- but (like others have said here) I don’t believe they only have one security guard for all 3 of them. It would surprise me if there were no members of her security team nearby- maybe Pascal was out, but then I would imagine somebody else would be at the hotel.

I won’t lie, I am a big ol’ Stan for Kanye. I admire his passion and enthusiasm, even when it veers into crazyland. You don’t get genius without the crazy.

Agreed. Usually the bodyguard has a room nearby- but not in- their client’s room. It looks like this happened in the middle of the night, so I would guess he was sleeping, just like she probably was.

He’s probably sleeping off that coke bender.