
That episode depicted something that I’ve experienced but I’d never seen mirrored on television and I loved it.

In the after episode section they talked about how after being a narcisist for basically the whole series she finally has a moment of peace with the act of....I think they said charity? Basically I bought it.

You’re not wrong, but I get supremely ticked when women/minority creators are held to a higher standard than white guys in entertainment. There’s this double standard where when women/minorities create something, they have to include everybody else who has been historically excluded too whereas white guys have been

I never understood the hate on this show due to people were conflating Lena Dunham with a character she created. I remember when 30 Rock came out, and a Slate critic said that Tina Fey hasn’t been single since the Clinton administration so therefore she wouldn’t know how to write dialogue for Liz Lemon.

I feel like people who say shit like this have literally never listened to a Taylor song beyond her singles and what the media says about her. I mean, even putting aside the idea that it’s someone remarkable that a musician writes about relationships (it’s not, except when it’s a woman, apparently?) the majority of

The only person who used the word “woke” is the author of that article, Taylor Swift never said it. She posted a picture of herself on July 4th in a black shirt and the author is offended by an imagined overuse of red white and blue. Many people celebrate July 4th who are not oppressors. She voted and didn’t say who

I sorta feel like, if you’re not going to say something valuable, than don’t say anything at all. Like if you’re a celeb who wants to talk about politics, you’re either all in or you’re all out. Be informed and take a stance. Otherwise, don’t say anything. That’s kind of why I don’t care if Taylor says anything or

From a business/devil’s advocate standpoint: Clinton was projected to win in a landslide. There was no way that assclown was actually going to get elected! So why speak out and alienate any part of the customer base when you weren’t worried?

Taylor’s always been coy about any sort of political race. It took at least a couple years after 2008 before she admitted that she voted for Obama (and even then she didn’t say it outright).

i just listened to the audibook (claire danes narration was a++++++ and i kind of wish she was in the show) and im feeling V V V paranoid

So this is the frontpage of Jez right now:

I get that’s cool to hate on anything that was nominated for an Oscar

rudely described as a “pensioner,”

For a long time I wondered how Harry could be so appalling as to dress up like that. I thought it was just a random Halloween costume. But it turns out it was a party to dress up as horrible villains.

So his intentions were in the right place. And he was young and probably not aware how badly this could be

That is easy - the royal.

You got the wrong side of the family. Two words: Spencer Matthews.

You missed the part of the story where some rando guy was sitting in the way back of the car that they didn’t see when they got in? So, driver was already giving a creep vibe and when she said something to her husband, a voice from behind them was like, “Nahhhhh.” That would scare any rational person.

I just want you all to know that I’m not dating Katy Perry either.

Ah the luxury of having never bought an item from Walmart. You obviously have never lived in a small town with poor parents, and the only place for 30 miles is a Walmart. In rural areas, it’s a necessity.