Coolness factor is attached to his head.....but you and I wouldn’t know anything about that cool life so it seems like some bizarre contraption to us lesser beings.
Coolness factor is attached to his head.....but you and I wouldn’t know anything about that cool life so it seems like some bizarre contraption to us lesser beings.
A console has to stay within a reachable price point for the masses, a PC doesn’t have those constrains as there can be multiple configurations with different levels of graphical/computational power. While I agree with you that it seems disappointing at first glance but when you take into account the budget cap for a…
Seriously though, Gamepass is Microsoft’s greatest offering for this console generation, it’s akin to the launch of Xbox Live in terms of consumer-friendliness.
I really hate next-gen console announcements because companies (Nintendo not included) love to pull some ridiculous claims right out of their asses when boasting about the capabilities about their upcoming hardware and then when said hardware finally releases we all see their claims do not always materialize
NERFNOW’s Amish Mario is brilliant! It perfectly describes Nintendo’s antiquated ways.
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty envious. I really wanted that controller.
Um. Don’t forget the versions in FFXIV and FFXV which are super cute. The one in FFXV is my favorite because it’s just straight up a fennec fox with a unicorn horn/jewel on its forehead.
I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic, but if you’re not, I see you’ve decided to pretend that Nevada’s 2016 primary caucus debacle didn’t happen....and that it curiously just so happened to shadily affect one candidate in particular who happens to be the one candidate being affected in the shady Iowa caucus mess as…
I think it’s due time for Nintendo to get a reality check..............but the sheeple will still cover their ears and throw their wallets at Nintendo no matter how antiquated and anti-consumer Nintendo’s practices are.
Gita!!!! I'm gonna miss you! 😫😭
I’m gonna miss you, Gita! 😫😭
Whoa! That's one beautiful car. Those lines, so clean.
This is so accurate it should be a fact. LOL
That PS4 controller in the header image looks like it’s trying to do a split but got stuck at the start of it.
These are awesome! I love his style.
Oh okay, gotcha. That makes sense. :o)
Ugh. I really like it but every time I look at the photos it makes me laugh. It’s ugly but weird and I’m sold. I just can’t stop laughing at it. It looks so much like my drawings when I was 5 or 6. It looks like a ramp for another vehicle to launch off of at high speeds as a stunt or a door stopper. But I…
Somehow this managed to be even uglier than Musk's truck. 😳
I’m gonna star you against my own will only because that was a good burn....but I still love the truck and will be getting one for sure.