
On a scale from 1 to Journey how great is Abzu?

“I’ve had bowel movements more thrilling than Call of Duty or Battlefront, so that’s not really saying much.”

You made up for it though, that’s all that matters. :o)

Autonomous vehicles cannot get here soon enough. I wish they were all over the place already. I’ve gotten in many arguments with my S.O. because he refuses to stop fucking texting while driving. The last time it happened (this past Sunday, which was two days ago), we were coming to a red light, to our left at the

Okay, I take my the edits in my previous comment back and now I wholeheartedly agree. :o)

“I suspect they chose Arizona because of the lack of rain and the fact that it’s an relatively new area with easy roads and strip malls.”

I really hope you bought your friend a new one.

Since I started earning my own money I’ve kept a hefty collection of games and movies. Well, all of the sudden extended family (cousins, uncles/aunts, etc) started treating me like their personal Blockbuster/Hollywood Video store and would call/text me asking if they could borrow a movie or first I was like

When I was 14, my best friend and I would play games on my Xbox (the OG one) and because he was really good at Madden (I would only win 1 match against him out of like 5) he thought he’d be just as good playing FIFA, so we started playing, after 3 matches he’d lost all of them and he refused to play a different game

^^ THIS!!! I live in LA and this is why my car has a few bumper blemishes because assholes hit it all the time when when parking in front of or behind me. I seriously see a car parked on a main street with a side-swipe about once a month because some asshole ran into their car and drove off.

I HATE those people. It’s so annoying.

The first section of your comment seems quite incoherent and full of illogical “observations” that I find it extremely difficult to take you seriously.

LMAO What the fuck actually happened there? A glitch?

I’ve gotten out of a speeding ticket twice in the last 10 years. <knocks on wood>

This was an awesome read, Mr. Schreier.

Feeling sorry for him never even crossed my mind.

Thank you for the link! I’m going to watch his videos. He needs to be a voice actor at the very least.

To me it looks like a Tron rip-off. that your voice in the voice over for the video?

I wouldn’t use the word “natively” when the GameCube support can only be enabled through a homebrew hack and a USB adapter is needed to use the GameCube controllers.