
A graphical style is not a genre. DQXI in all its graphical styles is still a JRPG <— that’s the genre.

I have big hands so I REALLY liked the duke (aka potato). I was sad to see it go. My hands didn’t get tired or cramped after playing for more than 20 minutes. With small controllers I have to take frequent breaks because of the strain of having to hold something so small, which is the same reason I had to get

With all due respect, all I have to say to that question is “eye roll”.

Are you fucking kidding?! Get the fuck out of here! You’re being extremely ridiculous and petty by insisting to focus on that.

Fuck that! She was a bitch and deserves to be called a fucking BITCH! There.

Same! It looks like a detachable tablet that you just put in the car when you’re about to drive but take with you when you arrive at your destination.

“Spotted” <— I’m gonna call bullshit on that. These shots look planned and just taken with a smartphone to make it look as if someone just happened to see the car in the wild and started snapping pics.

Ugh. Auto-correct sucks. I meant “moss” not “miss” LMAO

DUDE!! My grandmother on my dad’s side was super fucking Catholic. Like she was hardcore, if she could’ve had her own personal Catholic priest at home she would have. Same thing as your mother but she carried a rosary and a bible with her AT ALL DAMN TIMES. She even had this small section of her house where she had a

One marijuana is all it took?!!!

Don’t forget Firaga!!

They already are. The church my mother goes to warned the entire congregation during a Sunday service. My mother told me about it because just a few months prior I had her try my HTC Vive and she was floored, she couldn’t believe how awesome it was, so when the pastor at her church said to stay away from virtual

I agree that too high a price will definitely be a deciding factor for most people on whether to get a PS4 Pro or a Scorpio but I really don’t see Microsoft selling this beast of a console for less than $500, even at $500 they’d be taking a loss.

You can mod it yourself once you get it. There are tutorials on YouTube on how to make lifelike models and they show you how to create realistic looking miss.

But what is the pre-order bonus and from what retailer?

^^ THIS!! This is what pisses me off the most. There are so many male celebrities who should be extremely disliked but society insists on being misogynistic af.

I love Anne Hathaway as an actress, I know next to nothing about her as a person other than that beautiful speech she gave about her gay brother.

I can only imagine how bad it was back in the day. Even to this day things aren’t all that great but they are nowhere near as bad as they once were.

It sort of looks like a pixelated Mario Galaxy with a hand instead of Mario as the protagonist.

I’m getting used from GameStop in a few months just to fuck with Atlus for being such dicks.