
Nintendo doesn’t benefit much from Pokemon Go to begin with, they don’t own the property outright. Pokemon is owned by The Pokemon Company. Look it up.

It appears some people do not know how the stock market works.....this happens ALL the time when a new product is announced, even for a company like Apple.

Oh, my mother did not play around, she would say, “Playtime is over, you have 30 seconds to save your game, if you don’t, the system is getting turned off whether you saved or not.” And believe me, the console got turned off. She didn’t care that some games you have to get to a save point in order to save, she’d

This is actually pretty awesome. I don’t have children but if I did I’d be all over this app.

Exactly this! I don’t own a Wii U so I’m looking forward to getting the complete version of Mario Kart 8 on the Switch.

I’m right in the middle. If I get the Switch, it won’t be until Mario Odyssey releases in the fall. The new Zelda looks awesome but I can certainly wait until the fall....or maybe I should just wait until a revised model is released in a couple of years, which should have better battery life and such.

If the Switch succeeds, there won’t be a 3DS follow up.

You can have it, I’ll stick with the gray. The red and blue joycons make it look silly, like you had a pair of reds and blues and lost one of each.

Gita, this is awesome fan fiction. I’m gonna need you to do a weekly fan fiction post from now on.

Blah blah blah....opinions....blah blah....assholes and such...

P.S. I said “early-to-mid this year” forgetting that we’re already in 2017.... Ugh. I hate the month of January. Lol

I’m pretty sure it started early-to-mid this year (if not way before that).

Here we go again.


Oh gotcha. Sorry, I apologizee if I came off as a rude asshole.



How dare you get me accidentally aroused by posting the N64 logo?!?!

STAWPIT!!! You made me spit my drink. LMAO