@gunstar_blue: Yeah, that and her Sharpie eyebrows would jar me out of an otherwise pleasant reverie.
@gunstar_blue: Yeah, that and her Sharpie eyebrows would jar me out of an otherwise pleasant reverie.
@TVs_Frank: Ah, but can Mother Earth get them to counterrotate?
@FakingThroughLife: Or a skull...
@Ramsay101: It's too blocky to be a Rutan...
@Qev: I think beating it off is how they get into these situations...
@bob_d: Naked pipefitting? Conjugal spudgunning? Help me out here...
@future-self: OK, I'm remembering how bad it smelled getting a cast off that was on my arm for six weeks, and multiplying that...
@manimatr0n: TBH, it's mostly Red, except for the University- engendered- for- the-most- part spots of liberals...
@MrGOH: Remember, they're the Transportation Safety Authority, not the Airport Safety Authority... expect feature creep soon at a bus station near you!
It's not 'Angry', it's 'Fortissimo'...
@phoghat: What's with the watermelon?
@Gaffadin: Deevolution is progressing.
@ManchuCandidate: Aaand, they're still touring.
@FodderTheSane: I used to have an '86 Fiero GT, back when I was young and flexible.
@Smells_Homeless: ... but does satisfaction ooze from her pores?
@The Stig's American Cousin: Ah, Ceasefire Injection. I'm reasonably certain Lucas had a hand in it's design...
@TrampaOnline: It is; I had one for a rental for a week. At 6'4", I had to assume a Layback posture to fit; even then I brushed the headliner. Add to that the (seemingly) 12" tall side glass, and sides so high you courted a dislocated shoulder if you dare to hang your elbow out the window, well...
@OutlawDominus: Double featured with the Dark Crystal sequel?
@Jenn2D2: "Company at 12:00!"