AmishJohn: The redesign bites tender portions of various anatomies..

@syafiqjabar of Mars: If we're gonna toss that one in, we need to add the Mothership from Homeworld...

@BadJoJo: I've only scratched the surface of what it can do; I've got about 25% of my catalog ripped,and am in the process of setting up the automated torrent system on the home net. The XBMC Remote for the Touch is also worth the (small) cost, as it makes control easier. It plays pretty much everything I toss at it

@BadJoJo: I've been using that for a year. It's called an Aspire Revo.

@awwwcrap: Sam, Diane, and a side of Woody, by the look of it.

The Heinlein short story Waldo (purportedly the story that 'invented' the teleoperated manipulator) features flying craft powered by broadcast power - until it's found that the broadcast causes symptoms similar to myasthenia gravis. It then makes a sharp left into magic, but...

@Baby Benz now drives like it should!: If your fried food is greasy, that means the oil was too cool, or there wasn't enough to offset the temp difference between bird and oil.

@Spasticteapot: Next on MythBusters: Adam's turkey turns out rather crispier than expected...

@seanturvey: Yup. That wouldn't have fit the 'Bell Bad' theme of the article.

My primary source of anger towards this film is that the studio released it at the same time as MST3K: The Movie.

@Isetta: Ah, the other Italian Kneecapper. I approve.

@Skull-Bearer: It's the combination of Bouffant hair and receeding forehead.

@bob_d: I remember watching it on a UHF channel in Chicago, must've been early-early '80s.

@Chip Overclock: Which? The nickel allergy, or the getting fat and old?

@Innes McEvoy: You'll have to use all 37 fingers and toes!