
Today, May 21st 2075, we bring to you a 2019 amorphous blob. These vehicles were bought by the truckload in the early 21st century, prior to the Great Collapse. This one was found in an air pocket under the collapsed rubble of what was once Pittsburgh. Due to this, it has been perfectly preserved from the ravages of

Interesting that you make a joke here. Whenever an article about domestic violence against women is posted you post some corny virtue signaling bullshit along the lines of “I’m not qualified to speak on this matter so I will not comment on it. That being said [insert shitty joke here]”. Does child abuse not make the

Counterpoint: They are perfect for peanut butter blossoms.

Hey, that’s a valid critique and one that I should have caught on my read-through before posting. Let me run a little correction. 


I got a widdle cwush on Sen. Kamala Harris. Fer-ocious.

No one co-opts shit unless you let them.

Please attempt to “randomly rest” your hand in the same way Zina Bash did during the hearing and let us know if it feels natural.

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

It’s that time of year again, when the portable shitters fly back north for the summer.

But I was referring specifically to your article, which discusses major cities. I just thought it was weird you didn’t make a single reference to transit, that’s all.

I would LOVE to take public transit everywhere, but it’s simply not practical where I live. Getting a few miles across town would literally take hours on the bus and cost $2. A $5 10-minute Lyft ride is a significantly better proposition. I definitely agree that mileage definitely will vary depending on where you

Hi, perhaps you’ve heard of something called public transit? That’s how most people in large cities commute, you should check it out.

Wow, what a totally insensitive, ignorant and just plain idiotic thing to say.

You mean licensed, taxed, plated, and regulated machines? Generally operated by licensed, insured drivers? Let’s step that up with guns and then it’s a conversation.


very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

Yikes, your poor son will be a man one day.

while I agree with your sentiment, getting your daughter vaccinated for hpv does not imply she or you are sluts or deviants. It may very well save her life one day. And it’s likely better for her to get it young; once she’s had a certain number of sexual partners in adulthood (a by no means large number, either) she