The Vast Deference of Hanna Bull-Lecter

Just wait until it runs out of paper and starts peeling the skin off its human handlers to make more snowflakes with.

Yeah that’s pretty much what I thought was going on here.

It’s a dialect, and it’s every bit as valid and correct as any other dialect as it’s all arbitrary anyway. The attitudes you are expressing are simply derivative of historical racism and classism.

As long as he avoids fighting robo-Thor clones and doesn’t get too much of a tan he should be alright.

Thanks for your response, I’m familiar with the dish itself as they serve it at Chinese restaurants here (teriyaki as well, isn’t that everywhere? ), I’ve just never heard it used in the way you or the other poster described. There is a relatively high proportion of Japanese-Americans (and recently Chinese Americans

Thanks, I’d never heard of that before and no, it certainly doesn’t sound as if it was meant to be endearing.

Would you mind explaining the Chop suey thing? Do people use this as a slur or something?

I’m failing to see the downside here?

It’s certainly never explicitly mentioned in the books, but the way I’ve always read it is that Theon was indeed raped by Ramsay. Martin passes over a lot of the details of what exactly happened to Theon in his POV chapters because you end up imagining that it was far worse than anything he could actually describe,

That bear was looking to get fucked, but the Norris let it know that if you want to fuck the Chuck you have to buy him dinner first at least, by God.

You should be careful, you’re practically begging to get bombarded with some real sick furry porn by a bunch of pissed of channers right now.

Just finished watching number 4, the space battle was awesome. I had a nerdgasm when the Donnager’s rail-gun lit up and destroyed that oncoming ship.

It just seemed like the whitest possible white guy name. Does your dad like mayo sandwiches, by any chance?

No previous generation of human beings will have as low an opinion of their ancestors as the first generation that can look up Nanna and Grampa’s Facebook feeds.

I’m down to watch any number of Riddick movies, no matter how bad ( like the last one, although still worth it just to see Starbuck + Riddick ). I feel I owe it to Vin because of how ridiculously pumped Pitch Black got me, although to be fair some of that was due to the 60mg of Addy and ~5th of bourbon I was ingesting

I would think something like this would be the whitest possible tweet:

They’re still the good old days for me

Hmm, that cream cheese cherry sandwich actually sounds promising with the right kind of bread.

Naw she could do it. Most of it is just Calc-II level stuff from the cursory look I gave it.