You shut your child mouth
A couple years ago we had a going-away party at work for a guy leaving to run his own business. For the lunch we went to a barbecue place with all kinds of meat, including sausages. One coworker brought half a sausage back to work in a cardboard box and left it on his desk.....for 8 months. you could almost watch the…
Not only that, but that white dude has watched a lot of pornography. Like, an unhealthy amount.
what is the point of this post without a clip to watch?
You’re right, but that’s the thing. They’ve been taught and believe that they’re better than us. They still lust after whypipo and crave their approval; it’s like they know there are lesser than them but they still deem themselves better than us, no matter the circumstances. It’s unbelievable.
Does it also heighten your arousal from sleep?
Seriously they knew what they were getting. She went from having 100K followers to 500K. Netflix is probably over the moon. Her show’s launch should be fire.
Car prices go up each year (which is expected) but wages have been flat for decades. It’s credit that is keeping the economy rolling. We just gave the rich a massive tax cut and they chose to buy back stocks and sit on it rather than “trickle”. Something’s going to have to give eventually. You can’t have housing,…
For me, Knowing how it all ends. As a young woman, I worked in a all white nursing home while putting my self through school. I was only one of two black people on the staff.
Um....i see nothing on this page? Is it a video? If so....FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
Do you get your resignation letter back if she decides to keep you, or can she hold that over your head and decide to accept it at a later time?
The photograph at the end of this article is incredible and I hope it wins awards.
She’s patrolling again, huh? Good. Means that she is out in the open every day, at least 5 days a week. Soon, Becky.
A multinational stealing a guy’s name. That’s...
As a small business owner who unfotunately is forced to rely on the USPS for deliveries, I have had this happen multiple times, and even on Sunday. Really USPS? It got so bad I actually started following the local USPS route driver in my car. The first time it happened I was sitting in my office when I got the…
There’s a three-quarter-million-mile Mustang out there, but the Ford museum doesn’t want it: They don’t dare let the owner just drive it right onto the museum floor past a cheering crowd of people.